Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

What Makes a Christian Company?

When I first began writing, I wondered how to answer the question, “What do you do?” During my 20+ years in corporate America, the answer was easy. I was a Human Resources executive. I never considered answering, “I’m a Christian Human Resources executive.” So I...

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Suicide Highs Result From New Lows

Anguish. Darkness. Despair. Desperation. Hopelessness. Suicide. Suicide has been called a permanent solution to temporary problems. And it’s a permanent solution that’s increasing in almost every age group in our nation. According to data recently released by the...

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Tax Freedom Day

You’ve probably heard the adage attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Most of us know when Tax Day is. Every year, on or before April 15 (this year it was April 18 due to a Washington, D.C....

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Panama Papers and the Bible

Here we go again. A scandal so big and far-reaching that the mighty will fall…again. Oh, wait. I said that already. Again. And again. And again. Last year, it was Ashley Madison, a scandal exposing people seeking immorality and adultery. This year, it’s the Panama...

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Downton Abbey and Leaving a Legacy

It’s over. Six years of upstairs and downstairs entanglements and drama. Six years of pomp and circumstance. Six years of loyalties and betrayals. Six years of secrets and celebrations. But Downton Abbey was more than a period drama. It was more than exquisite...

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An Upside Down Bizarro World

Comic book aficionados may remember the Superman storyline that introduced readers to Bizarro World. The inhabitants of Bizarro World lived according to a code based on the opposite of everything done on earth. Bizarro people would say the strangest things, such as:...

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For or Against ?

The Christian community has taken a stand on the issue of abortion. To end a pregnancy is to end a life. Not potential life. Life. We object to abortion. We work to change civil laws that violate God’s moral law. We fight for the plight of the unborn. The world knows...

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What Does the Future Hold?

Ahhh…new year, clean slate, new beginning. Twelve months of potential. But not everyone is optimistic about the future. Some say that if the past is any indication, we’re in for big trouble in 2016. Newspaper headlines from 2015 brimmed with accounts of disasters. We...

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Christmas Peeves in the News

Christmas is my favorite season, but as I read the news this past week, there were several accounts that did their best to contribute a proverbial “fly in the ointment” this season. Here are a few of my Christmas peeves in the news: 1. In Tallahassee's capitol, a...

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