Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word   Our Western civilization is becoming less and less civil by the day. Anger erupts over true slights as well as perceived ones. The art of civil discourse has all but died. And the lyrics to the familiar “Home on the...

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The Impact of Story

The Impact of Story

The Impact of Story   I love a good story, don’t you? Skilled storytellers have beguiled audiences with mesmerizing tales since the dawn of time. I have vivid memories of waiting breathlessly for stories to unfold, beginning with the words, “Once upon a time . . .”...

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Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?   Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences.   Which is it? Are we to isolate or insulate? As our nation continues to distance itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians find...

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Five Steps to Prevent Spiritual Cannibalism

Five Steps to Prevent Spiritual Cannibalism

Five Steps to Prevent Spiritual Cannibalism   I enjoy watching nature documentaries. Videos of tender, newborn fawns wobbling on shaky legs for the first time. Penguins holding their young close to keep them warm. Kangaroos protecting their joeys in the safety of...

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Commanded to Love Differently

Commanded to Love Differently

Commanded to Love Differently   Shouldn’t loving others be something we do because we want to? After all, if we have to be told to do it, is it really love? But Jesus did not tell His followers to love when they felt like it. He said, “A new command I give you:...

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Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling

Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling

Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling   The season of giving has begun. Giving thanks. Giving gifts. And giving time and energy. Some say giving shouldn’t be limited to a range of dates on the calendar. The spirit of giving should last all year long....

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Care & Compassion in a Dog-Eat-Dog World

Care & Compassion in a Dog-Eat-Dog World

Care & Compassion in a Dog-Eat-Dog World   “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Great advice. But in our culture of sound bites and 280-character tweets, caring has often deteriorated to posting platitudes and memes on social...

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Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons   We all have them. Hot buttons. Sore spots, tender to even a verbal touch. When poked, these sore spots provoke us to instinctive reactions. They spring from feeling challenged or irritated. Hot buttons leave us vulnerable to being provoked. And if...

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The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission   If ever a word could be identified as an emotional trigger, it’s submission. And if submission is mentioned in the context of marriage, then dive for cover because the trigger just became a grenade! Do the following words sound familiar?...

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Feelings, Rights, Preferences, and Honor

Feelings, Rights, Preferences, and Honor

Feelings, Rights, Preferences, and Honor   “Honor” is not a concept often mentioned in our culture these days. I worked in the corporate world for twenty years. As I climbed the corporate ladder, I moved from an entry-level role to senior executive positions for...

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The Impact of Story

The Impact of Story

The Impact of Story   I love a good story, don’t you? Skilled storytellers have beguiled audiences with mesmerizing...

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?   Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences....