Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom

Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom

Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom   June is traditionally associated with weddings. So I can’t allow the month to pass without congratulating you on your engagement and coming wedding. What? You say you’re not engaged? Oh, but you are! The Bible contains...

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Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?

Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?

Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?   Celebrate. Sacrifice. Two words we don’t usually pair together. Still, two days on our calendar have been set aside to do just that. To celebrate sacrifice. Not with joy, but with solemnity, honor, and gratitude. Because...

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Changing the Way We View Substitution

Changing the Way We View Substitution

Changing the Way We View Substitution   With Easter fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about substitution. And I suddenly realized that, for all my years of teaching, I’ve missed it. Maybe you have, too. All too often, we’ve allowed the world’s way of...

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Time Constraints . . . Or Not

Time Constraints . . . Or Not

Time Constraints . . . Or Not   It has been almost two weeks and I’m finally adjusting to the time change after re-setting our clock forward for Daylight Savings Time. My dog, on the other hand, is still confused as to when she should be fed. Based on past...

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Commanded to Love Differently

Commanded to Love Differently

Commanded to Love Differently   Shouldn’t loving others be something we do because we want to? After all, if we have to be told to do it, is it really love? But Jesus did not tell His followers to love when they felt like it. He said, “A new command I give you:...

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God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn't Just Love   It’s February—the month of hearts and flowers…and love. Brace yourself for articles, blog posts, and memes about love. Pictures of hearts, definitions of ancient Greek words translated to our English word love, and the ever-growing list of...

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Embrace One Word

Embrace One Word

Embrace One Word   It’s that time again—when people resolve to improve in the face of a new year unfolding before them. Problem is, I have yet to make a New Year’s resolution and keep it for the year. Sometimes I don’t even make it to January 31. Sigh. Anyone...

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A Treasury of Thanksgiving Quotes

A Treasury of Thanksgiving Quotes

A Treasury of Thanksgiving Quotes   Celebrate your gratitude beyond Thanksgiving Day with this collection of my favorite thanksgiving quotes! Which one is your favorite?   "We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and...

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Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month   Did you know October is National Cookie Month? Not that I need an excuse to eat more cookies! Are you wondering about the connection between Christians and National Cookie Month? Stay with me a bit longer . . . Do you have a...

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