Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional
“Can you imagine what will happen if you spend a year, day by day, focusing on your God and Father? May Ava’s devotional drive you to His Word so you can search Him out for yourself.” ~ Kay Arthur, Founder, Precept Ministries International
Perfect. Almighty. The One Who Sees. Jealous. Forgiver. Every name of God revealed in the Bible shows us something about his character and his ways. As the facets of a diamond combine to reflect its brilliance, the names and attributes of God combine to reveal the transcendence of his nature and the glory of his ways. Daily Reflections on the Names of God offers readers a wonderful opportunity to spend time each day getting to know God more intimately. At the end of a year, they’ll be able to say they know him better than they did a year ago. This insightful guide to the names of God provides 366 life-changing, personal devotions for new Christians and longtime believers. As readers explore 122 names and attributes of God, they will discover something special about who God is, who they are, and how they relate to others. Includes a Scripture and name index for easy navigation to favorite verses.
Ava and I met through my book, Lord, I Want to Know You…a study on the names of God. Now, 17 years later, I have the privilege of endorsing her year-long devotional on the names and attributes of God. Can you imagine what will happen if you spend a year, day by day, focusing on your God and Father? May Ava’s devotional drive you to His Word so you can search Him out for yourself….for the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32b).
This book has definitely changed the way I view my daily devotional time. Not only that, but I see God, how He works in me, and how that changes my relationship with others, in a whole new way. This is a book borne out of the author’s years of study and devotion to God, and all the ways He presents Himself to the world. A must-read for all who wish to approach their daily walk with God in a new and personal way.
I am a huge fan of daily devotionals, you may already know that. Some of my favorites are ones that I read for years and years — like Jesus Calling, My Utmost for His Highest, At the Feet of Jesus…and now one of my new favorites is “Daily Reflections on the Names of God”.
Ava Pennington has packed in the meat and potatoes on each day in a way that doesn’t overwhelm you but simply reaches in and digs a little deeper. Knowing the names of God and allowing those names to draw you closer to Him while also uncovering some new insights and nuggets that you may have never noticed before.
With little symbols on the top of each page they guide you to look at each name or attribute of God in the devotional that day by looking “up”, looking “in” or looking “out”. Each day is ready for you to sit and soak in while allowing you to lean in to who God really is. This devotional is sure to be one that I read over and over again for many years.
Read review of book in newspaper and wanted to be more familiar with the names of God, how they related to myself and how I could use them in relating to other people. I like the book very much. It is a devotional and my husband and I are reading and discussing it together.
Would you like to spend a year getting to know God in a deeper, more intimate way? Would you like to spend time acquainting yourself with the details of His character and meditating on how they affect your life? Would you like to immerse yourself in Him?
If these questions intrigue you, you’ll want to pick up a copy of Ava Pennington’s recent release, Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional. The author organizes her work around God’s character and attributes rather than particular dates, so you can begin your reading any day of the year.
The strength and focus of Daily Reflections on the Names of God lies in its author’s deep knowledge of His Word. Pennington opens our eyes to God’s names and essential qualities by putting them into language we can understand and sharing insights that bring them life. Each devotional ends with questions and challenges that allow the reader to move from understanding to application.
Would you like a theology course in a personal, practical package indwelt by the heart and Spirit of God? Spend a year with Daily Reflections on the Names of God and watch how He changes your life.
This book helps me keep on track for what’s important. Love it!
The devotions are thoughtfully laid out, beginning with specific names of God, then moving to characteristics of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 122 names and attributes are explored over a three-day period. Day one looks “up” to see how and why God describes Himself in a certain way. Day two looks “in” as we examine how that particular name or attribute applies to our lives. Day three looks “out” as we reflect on how that characteristic affects our relationship with others.
What a journey, that day after day hit me with fresh insight into the problems I was facing at the time. From “Glory” to “Alpha and Omega,” I was reminded both of the sovereign but also personal God who wants to a relationship with me. Highly recommended for everyone, especially for Christians who want to grow in faith.