Reflections on the Names of God: 180 Devotions to Know God More Fully
“Can you imagine what will happen if you spend time, day by day, focusing on your God and Father? May Ava’s devotional drive you to His Word so you can search Him out for yourself.” ~ Kay Arthur, Founder, Precept Ministries International
Reflections on the Names of God: 180 Devotions to Know God More Fully is an abridged gift book edition of the original one-year devotional, Daily Reflections on the Names of God.
This gift book contains a collection of devotions about the nature and ways of our awesome God. It includes sixty different names and attributes of God with three devotions for each one. Each set of three explores who God says He is, how this name or attribute changes us, and how this also changes our relationships.
Ava and I met through my book, Lord, I Want to Know You…a study on the names of God. . . Can you imagine what will happen if you spend time, day by day, focusing on your God and Father? May Ava’s devotional drive you to His Word so you can search Him out for yourself….for the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32b).
This book is very well researched to allow an exploration of God’s names. I read it by doing the devotions each morning. It’s a great tool to help know God more fully and the reflections are well done for application to today’s environment.
This beautiful book will make a fabulous gift.
Ava draws us deeper into our relationship with God by helping us explore who He is through His names. With each name she gives us three devotions: Look Up (to see how & why God describes Himself the way He does), Look In (how does that name apply to us), and Look Out (how it applies to relationships). She uses relatable examples and offers Scriptural reference for more study.
I love Ava’s writing. It’s understandable and yet thought-provoking. I highly recommend this devotional — for yourself or as a gift.
I loved this book . . . It’s full of beautiful names of God with explanations of each name. The devotions were beautifully written and I found myself encouraged as I read and pondered on them. The scriptures shared fit well and before I knew it, I would be using them in my personal life.
I embraced a special word for me and that was about Boldness and it comes to me often since Ava wrote with a clarity and sincere purpose to bring God closer to his people in a more personal and powerful way.
I recommend this book as a five star book because it’s simply and powerfully written for today’s generation and the struggles they deal with.
This book would make a great gift for anyone on your list including yourself. I found Ava’s explanation of the Hebrew, Greek, and English names of God to be not only educational but edifying as well. How much more we appreciate our Savior’s interventions on our behalf as we learn what his name means. Ava takes sixty names and applies them to three sequential devotions. Each devotion comes with a Scripture reference, a prayer, and a challenge.
If you are looking for a new devotional that will immerse you in God’s character, Ava’s devotional is it! You will come to know God in a more meaningful and intimate way as you take time each day to drink in one aspect of God’s many names. “Reflections on the Names of God” will help you understand His name in the pages of scripture, in your life, and in the lives of others. A truly unique devotional!
God has blessed Ava with a touching way to reveal truth about him that I did not know, and it helps you to spend more time with him. Great book!