Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology

The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology

The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology   How many magnets grace the front of your refrigerator? One? Five? Twelve? Refrigerator magnets can be silly, serious, or snarky. They can be cute, corny, or sometimes even classy. Refrigerator magnets have also...

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Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling

Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling

Bearing Each Other’s Burdens Without Enabling   The season of giving has begun. Giving thanks. Giving gifts. And giving time and energy. Some say giving shouldn’t be limited to a range of dates on the calendar. The spirit of giving should last all year long....

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Intentional Bible Study – Part 2

Intentional Bible Study – Part 2

Intentional Bible Study – Part 2   Intentional Bible study is not enough. That may not be what you expect to hear from a Bible teacher. But it’s true. Studying the Bible is not enough. Last week, I wrote about several non-negotiables we should practice when we open...

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Intentional Bible Study – Part 1

Intentional Bible Study – Part 1

Intentional Bible Study – Part 1   There’s Bible study and then there’s intentional Bible study. But did you know intentionality begins with several non-negotiables before you open your Bible? A high view of God and His Word Instead of a high view of God and His...

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Strong Women

Strong Women

Strong Women   In honor of Mother’s Day, many church sermons will be shared this weekend extolling the wonders of that noble, excellent, worthy, or virtuous (depending upon your translation) woman described in Proverbs 31. But I much prefer to be like the other...

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Called, Loved, and Kept

Called, Loved, and Kept

Called, Loved, and Kept   There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles about being “called,” and rightly so. The Bible tells us: We’re called to a holy calling (2 Timothy 1:9) Many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14) God works all things together for God...

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Context is King

Context is King

Context is King   One of my favorite scenes from The Princess Bride includes a conversation between a character named Inigo Montoya and the arch-villain. Montoya spends much of the story listening to the arch-villain repeatedly use the word inconceivable. But...

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A Favorite Bible Verse I Don’t Always Love

A Favorite Bible Verse I Don’t Always Love

A Favorite Bible Verse I Don't Always Love   The world around us is becoming increasingly challenging. Challenging to live out our Christian faith in a morally relativistic culture. Challenging to share the joy of our faith in a society that is not just...

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Psalms: A Book of the Heart

Psalms: A Book of the Heart

Psalms: A Book of the Heart   I have more questions than answers these days. The world is making less sense to me as the days pass. People are more divided and angrier than ever before. Common sense seems to have been abandoned. Civil discourse has disappeared....

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