Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Role of Government and the King Who Rules

The Role of Government and the King Who Rules

The Role of Government and the King Who Rules   Summer is over and the season of pumpkin-flavored everything is upon us. With the passing of summer, we’ve also moved beyond the Republican and Democratic political conventions as the 2024 presidential election...

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Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?

Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?

Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?   The more I read and listen to news reports of current events, the more my head hurts. Truly. Watching a world in which truth is manipulated to mean whatever you want it to mean can bring on a roaring headache . . . and...

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In Jesus’ Name: More Than a Tagline!

In Jesus’ Name: More Than a Tagline!

In Jesus’ Name: More Than a Tagline!   How often have you ended a prayer with “in Jesus’ name”? We say it so frequently, that it has almost become a tagline. But how did this practice begin? Several verses in the New Testament tell us to pray in Jesus’ name,...

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He is Mine: Experiencing God’s Attributes

He is Mine: Experiencing God’s Attributes

He is Mine: Experiencing God’s Attributes   Our culture offers a variety of opinions as to who God is, presuming they even acknowledge the existence of God. So when you read the Bible, how do you apply the descriptions of God found on its pages? How do you...

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How Big is Your God?

How Big is Your God?

How Big is Your God?                                               My God isn’t big enough. Of course, I never actually said those words. Good Christians don’t say things like that. My God isn’t big enough. Yet that was the message communicated through my worry,...

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Spiritual Junk Food

Spiritual Junk Food

Spiritual Junk Food   Not sure why, but I’ve been bingeing on junk food for the past several weeks. Which is a bit ironic, considering March is National Nutrition Month. So in honor of this month, here’s a devotion excerpted from Reflections on the Names of God:...

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