Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Four Things to Do While Waiting

Four Things to Do While Waiting

Four Things to Do While Waiting   Are you in God’s waiting room? Have you been praying for something, waiting for an answer, hoping your circumstances will change? I confess, waiting is not my favorite activity. And right now, I’m in a season of waiting. During...

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Celebrating Victory in Christ

Celebrating Victory in Christ

Celebrating Victory in Christ     When you think of victory in Christ, what comes to mind?   For many of us, we think of victory over death. Eternal life with God. New bodies. No sin or even the presence of temptation. But did you know your eternal life has...

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Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?   Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences.   Which is it? Are we to isolate or insulate? As our nation continues to distance itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians find...

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Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!   Wisdom seems to be in short supply these days, whether among political and corporate leaders or among the average people you meet on the street. People say and do things that often make us scratch our heads. He did what?...

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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome   Have you ever struggled with imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome occurs when people see you as a success, but what they don’t know is that you feel like a fraud. You may be doubting your abilities. Or that concerned people will think...

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Good Friday: Intermission or Final Curtain ?

Good Friday: Intermission or Final Curtain ?

Intermission or Final Curtain?   I enjoy attending live performances. Watching a stage performance gives me a sense of being in the center of the action. Plays offer benefits movies can’t. Energy that’s almost palpable. A sense of community in the audience. The...

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Intentional Rest

Intentional Rest

Intentional Rest   Back in May, I had high hopes and great plans for my summer break. No, not to travel to distant shores. Instead, my goal was to reduce my to-be-read pile of books while sitting by the pool working on my tan. In other words, to be intentional...

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How F.A.T. Are You?

How F.A.T. Are You?

How FAT Are You?   Weight has been a sensitive subject for me. I’ve been trying to lose the same twenty pounds for umpteen years. But that’s not what I’m referring to when I ask if you are FAT. FAT is an acronym for Faithful, Available, and Teachable. And in this...

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The People of Christmas: The Outsiders

The People of Christmas: The Outsiders

The People of Christmas: The Outsiders   Filthy. Smelly. Not fit for decent society. Outsiders. Otherwise known as shepherds. Shepherds fulfilled an important need in ancient Israel. They watched over the flocks—flocks that provided food for the nation’s physical...

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Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?   Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences....