Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Can We Really Control Our Thoughts?

Can We Really Control Our Thoughts?

Can We Really Control Our Thoughts?   The brief thought leaves as quickly as it came. By the time I realize what happened, it had disappeared. But when the thought returned, it lingered and I dwelled on it a few moments longer. Then I found myself rationalizing...

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The Danger of Shortcuts

The Danger of Shortcuts

The Danger of Shortcuts   As the new year stretches before us, once again I’m looking for shortcuts to make life easier in the coming months. I’m always up for learning a new way of doing things to save time, energy, or in some cases, my sanity. Those short...

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Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live?   Where do you live? I don’t mean your street address, or your city, state, or country. Where do you live spiritually and emotionally when the storms of life break over you? Where is your hiding place when your stress level is off the charts?...

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Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully   Is it possible to age gracefully? What does that even mean? Facebook is great about reminding me of friends’ upcoming birthdays. And yesterday, one friend posted about her eldest daughter’s 17th birthday. Seventeen? I first met her when she was...

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Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?                       Anyone besides me feel frustrated at the apparent success of those who do evil in a world that frowns on a biblical worldview? There are times when I feel like crying out to God along with the psalmist who said...

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Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark   Have you ever been in a situation where you were walking in a well-lit place and the lights went out? It might have been a power outage in your home. Or perhaps you were walking through a park and a dark thunderstorm suddenly...

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Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience   Have you heard the story about a man who escapes his boring life by fantasizing about being a hero? If you’re familiar with books and movies such as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty or Don Quixote, you know what I mean....

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Are You Feeling Pressured?

Are You Feeling Pressured?

Are You Feeling Pressured?   Is anyone besides me a bit tired of hearing how pressure turns coal into diamonds? How we should welcome pressure because God uses it to refine us into “jewels”? Every time I hear this illustration, my first thought is that coal is...

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Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!   Wisdom seems to be in short supply these days, whether among political and corporate leaders or among the average people you meet on the street. People say and do things that often make us scratch our heads. He did what?...

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How Do You Handle Interruptions?

How Do You Handle Interruptions?

How Do You Handle Interruptions?   Interruptions used to be the exception. Or at least, that’s the way it seemed. Today, not so much. Today, interruptions seem to be the rule instead of the exception. How do you handle it when your day doesn’t go as planned? I’d...

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The Danger of Shortcuts

The Danger of Shortcuts

The Danger of Shortcuts   As the new year stretches before us, once again I’m looking for shortcuts to make life...

Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live?   Where do you live? I don’t mean your street address, or your city, state, or country. Where...

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