My mother used to say death comes in threes. I remember hearing her remark, during my childhood, about how one person died, then another died a few days later, and who would be the third? As I grew older, I chalked it up to superstition. But trouble does seem to come...

What’s in a Name?
Early in my Christian life, I heard a sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. When my pastor reached “Hallowed be Your name,” he took a detour into another sermon series on the names of God. Not long after that, I completed Kay Arthur’s study, Lord, I Want to Know You. I...
Affirmation…by the Numbers
I was never much of a numbers person. Words are more my thing. Lots and lots of words, if you ask my husband! Numbers…not so much. It’s one of the reasons I love to write. To be able to communicate using myriad combinations of a mere twenty-six letters is nothing...
Promotion – A Christian Author’s Dilemma
My first book, One Year Alone with God: 366 Devotions on the Names of God, was published by Revell Books this month. My joy at the release of this project has been tempered by the need to market it through a website, blog posts, newsletters, Facebook author page,...
The Inconvenience of Friendship
I’ve been thinking about friends and friendship recently. I love being a friend. I love doing for my friends. But I find it difficult to accept when friends do for me. There, I’ve said it. I want to help, not be helped. I don’t mind inconveniencing myself, but I am...
When No One Seems to Notice
“We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts” (I Thess. 2:4) Serving the Lord can sometimes be discouraging work. It may become even more discouraging when we’ve poured ourselves into our calling - teaching, writing, or any other calling - and no one...
Why Do I Do What I Do?
People often ask me why I write. Conventional wisdom says this is the worst possible time to enter the world of publishing. Book sales are at an all-time low, despite the fact that over one million books were published in 2009. The reality is that if you write because...
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Death Comes in Threes?
My mother used to say death comes in threes. I remember hearing her remark, during my childhood, about how one person...
What’s in a Name?
Early in my Christian life, I heard a sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. When my pastor reached “Hallowed be Your...
Affirmation…by the Numbers
I was never much of a numbers person. Words are more my thing. Lots and lots of words, if you ask my husband!...