Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent   I don’t usually do well with long periods of silence . . . especially when God is the one who is silent. Many illustrations about spiritual growth come from the agricultural world. A seed is planted, and then it sprouts,...

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Greater Than Obstacles, Time, and Timing

Greater Than Obstacles, Time, and Timing

Greater Than Obstacles, Time, and Timing   Nothing is impossible with God.           Yes! All things are possible with God.           Right on! Our awesome God does abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine.           Amen and say it again, Sister! But...

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God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn't Just Love   It’s February—the month of hearts and flowers…and love. Brace yourself for articles, blog posts, and memes about love. Pictures of hearts, definitions of ancient Greek words translated to our English word love, and the ever-growing list of...

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Just Do It . . . and More

Just Do It . . . and More

Just Do It   Thirty-four years ago, Nike launched a new advertising campaign. Adding to their already iconic swoosh logo, Nike would quickly become forever associated with “Just Do It.” As I consider the Holy Spirit’s role in my life, I can’t help but think of...

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What Have You Done For Me Lately?

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

What Have You Done For Me Lately?   I can be such a hypocrite. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately attitude from someone you know? Annoying, isn’t it? But if I’m honest, there have been times when I’ve responded in a...

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Trusting God When It Seems Impossible

Trusting God When It Seems Impossible

Trusting God When It Seems Impossible   Earlier this month I recorded a guest appearance for a podcast that aired today. And on the day it aired, a friend happened to call me with a question regarding the same Bible passage the podcast focused on. Hmmm . . . the...

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Chosen Reflections: Provision

Chosen Reflections: Provision

(This is the third in a series of blog posts inspired by The Chosen, a multi-season series about the life of Jesus and His followers. Each post will highlight a quote sourced from Season 1. For the first two posts, see Chosen...

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Apparent Contradictions

Apparent Contradictions

Apparent Contradictions   Have you noticed how often God appears to be a God of apparent contradictions? Think about it . . . He is Yahweh, the God of the universe who is the self-sufficient “I AM” (Genesis 3:14).  Yet He revealed this name to Moses for the...

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God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn’t Just Love

God Doesn't Just Love   It’s February—the month of hearts and flowers…and love. Brace yourself for articles, blog...