Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Time to Shed My Snake Skin

Time to Shed My Snake Skin

  Time to Shed My Snake Skin   I found an unwelcome surprise outside my front door a few weeks ago: a two-foot-long shed snake skin. Of course, I posted a photo on social media—not much else excitement during these days of pandemic “sheltering at home.”...

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Wildlife Warnings and Wild Life Warnings

Wildlife has been especially wild lately. Although June is barely two weeks old, a decapitated rattlesnake bit a Texas man. An alligator killed a Florida woman. And in Minnesota, an unidentified wild animal killed a five-year-old boy. Last month a hungry cougar killed...

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Mate for Life

I never thought a sandhill crane would make me cry. A pair of sandhill cranes were living in our little corner of the neighborhood for the last year. It seems fitting, since they happen to be the logo of our development. We’ve watched them establish a routine....

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Puppy Perseverance

“Big” is relative. The smaller we are, the larger everything else appears. A few years ago, during a visit to my childhood church, I gazed in amazement at how tiny the classrooms were. I didn’t remember them being that small when I was eight years old. Basketball nets...

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Do Animals Go To Heaven?

This week we said a painful goodbye to our second rescue boxer, Romer. Like his sister, he died just shy of his eleventh birthday. As we mourn his absence, I can’t help but wonder if we will see our pets again. I wrote about this in a blog post two years ago, when we...

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Expect the Unexpected

Advice we’ve all heard: Expect the unexpected. But is that really possible? If we expect the unexpected, doesn’t that mean it’s no longer unexpected? To expect the unexpected is to be flexible, to be prepared for options we may not have intended to plan for. For the...

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Will I See My Pet in Heaven?

It’s been a tough few weeks for me when it comes to our four-legged friends. We had to say goodbye to our rescue boxer, Lacy, on Christmas eve. My editor for One Year Alone with God said goodbye to two of her pets this past month. And just this afternoon, a friend...

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Time to Shed My Snake Skin

Time to Shed My Snake Skin

  Time to Shed My Snake Skin   I found an unwelcome surprise outside my front door a few weeks ago: a...