Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word   Our Western civilization is becoming less and less civil by the day. Anger erupts over true slights as well as perceived ones. The art of civil discourse has all but died. And the lyrics to the familiar “Home on the...

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How Did the Solar Eclipse Change You?

How Did the Solar Eclipse Change You?

How Did the Solar Eclipse Change You?   The 2024 solar eclipse is now history. The special glasses sought in a frenzy prior to April 8 have been cast aside. Life is back to normal once again. So, has anything really changed? For some, the dance of the sun and...

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Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!

Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!   Wisdom seems to be in short supply these days, whether among political and corporate leaders or among the average people you meet on the street. People say and do things that often make us scratch our heads. He did what?...

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Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons   We all have them. Hot buttons. Sore spots, tender to even a verbal touch. When poked, these sore spots provoke us to instinctive reactions. They spring from feeling challenged or irritated. Hot buttons leave us vulnerable to being provoked. And if...

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Losing Giants of the Faith

Losing Giants of the Faith

Losing Giants of the Faith   The memorial service for pastor and author Tim Keller occurred earlier this week. We mourn another loss in the greater Christian community as his name is added to the list of apologetic giants who have recently passed on to the glory...

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How Desensitized Are You?

How Desensitized Are You?

How Desensitized Are You?   As I write this, my phone is dinging. Breaking news: “At least 12 dead after massive landslide overtakes village in Ecuador.” Yesterday’s headline: “38 killed in fire in Mexico migrant detention camp.” Two days ago, breaking news...

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Culture Wars?

Culture Wars?

Culture Wars?   Another Election Day has passed. And I keep hearing about the “culture war” we must engage in. Which makes me wonder, are we fighting a culture war? Maybe the better question is, should we be fighting a culture war? Many Christians today believe...

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Worn Out or Persevering?

Worn Out or Persevering?

Worn Out or Persevering?   Are you worn out? I am. I’m worn out after a nonstop flood of bad news. A pandemic that won’t leave. The death of people I love. Natural disasters such as the Cat 4 hurricane that hit New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane...

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