Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully   Is it possible to age gracefully? What does that even mean? Facebook is great about reminding me of friends’ upcoming birthdays. And yesterday, one friend posted about her eldest daughter’s 17th birthday. Seventeen? I first met her when she was...

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Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes   In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, can God be trusted? And if you’re having trouble trusting Him for the next year, can you trust Him for the next five minutes? For years, I struggled with anxiety attacks...

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Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark   Have you ever been in a situation where you were walking in a well-lit place and the lights went out? It might have been a power outage in your home. Or perhaps you were walking through a park and a dark thunderstorm suddenly...

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Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience   Have you heard the story about a man who escapes his boring life by fantasizing about being a hero? If you’re familiar with books and movies such as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty or Don Quixote, you know what I mean....

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Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent   I don’t usually do well with long periods of silence . . . especially when God is the one who is silent. Many illustrations about spiritual growth come from the agricultural world. A seed is planted, and then it sprouts,...

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Time Constraints . . . Or Not

Time Constraints . . . Or Not

Time Constraints . . . Or Not   It has been almost two weeks and I’m finally adjusting to the time change after re-setting our clock forward for Daylight Savings Time. My dog, on the other hand, is still confused as to when she should be fed. Based on past...

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Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love

Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love

Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love   Ever been attacked by someone who wields truth like a club? I have. And ouch, did it ever hurt! Or maybe you recall the childhood rhyme, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Do you remember chanting that childhood accusation at...

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The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission   If ever a word could be identified as an emotional trigger, it’s submission. And if submission is mentioned in the context of marriage, then dive for cover because the trigger just became a grenade! Do the following words sound familiar?...

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Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month   Did you know October is National Cookie Month? Not that I need an excuse to eat more cookies! Are you wondering about the connection between Christians and National Cookie Month? Stay with me a bit longer . . . Do you have a...

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Are You Praying and Living TALL?

Are You Praying and Living TALL?

Are You Praying and Living TALL?   I didn’t understand her comment. Our team had met for a working dinner meeting. We shared a meal and completed the planning portion of the session, and now the five of us sat around the dining room table sharing prayer requests....

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Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully   Is it possible to age gracefully? What does that even mean? Facebook is great about reminding...