Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Here we go again. A scandal so big and far-reaching that the mighty will fall…again. Oh, wait. I said that already. Again. And again. And again.

Last year, it was Ashley Madison, a scandal exposing people seeking immorality and adultery.

This year, it’s the Panama Papers, a scandal exposing those caught in the web of greed.

Adultery and greed. Neither one is unusual in our culture. And neither one is much frowned upon by those who consider themselves movers and shakers, elite decision makers who walk the halls of corporations and government.

Except the tentacles of the Panama Papers scandal reach far beyond our own culture and government. The scandal is so-named because the leaked papers are from a Panama law firm that set up shell companies and offshore accounts—secret, of course—for powerful individuals around the world.

The numbers paint an imposing picture:

  • Leaked: 11 million documents
  • Duration: over 40 years
  • Referenced: 12 current or former world leaders and 128 additional politicians/public officials

The prime minister of Iceland has already resigned.

The Kremlin has issued a statement noting that, while associates of President Vladimir Putin are referenced, Putin is not mentioned by name.

FIFA, the international soccer association and organizer of the World Cup competition, is in the spotlight as several of their leaders have been indicted and arrested.

Closer to home, even Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager has ties to the scandal. That’s not something her campaign needs as she continues to seek the Democratic presidential nomination.

Politics aside, this newest scandal proves the credibility of a book long dismissed with contempt by almost all those implicated. This one verse sums it up quite accurately:

“You may be sure that your sin will find you out”
(Numbers 32:23b, NIV).

Although written several thousand years ago, it’s a statement still true today. Whether you’re an unemployed street sweeper or a powerful executive, sooner or later the truth will be revealed and consequences will be levied for every wrong thing ever done.

You and I might think we’re “safe” in taking our secrets to the grave. Still, even the grave is not the end. Every secret hidden in the dark will be brought into the light.

But God gives us a choice. Our sin against Him can be judged at the Cross, where the penalty has already been paid in full. Or it will be judged at the Throne of God, where the penalty will be laid squarely on the shoulders of the one being judged.

Don’t carry the weight of your secrets into eternity. Lay your burden at the cross and enjoy the freedom forgiveness brings.

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