It’s a letter we’d all like to receive. The envelope bears the return address of an unfamiliar law firm. With shaky hands, we tear open the envelope. Is it a lawsuit? A collection notice? No. It’s notification of a bequest from the estate of a long-lost relative. You...
The Power of Story
I love a good story, don’t you? Skilled storytellers have beguiled audiences with mesmerizing tales since the dawn of time. I have vivid memories of waiting breathlessly for stories that began with the words, “Once upon a time.…” I’m still transported by the power of...
Separate or Salty?
Come out and be separate. No. Go out and be salty. Which is it? Are we to be separate or salty? As our culture distances itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians are finding themselves increasingly isolated from mainstream values. Christian holidays are being...
I Don’t Like My “One Word”
I don’t like my “one word” for 2015, but I’m keeping it anyway. Let me explain… I have many friends who have been selecting one word to focus on for each new year as a substitute for new year’s resolutions. I've thought about doing it, but was never really motivated...
The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Thirty years ago, I stopped a pickpocket. It happened on Nassau Street in lower Manhattan as I watched a man match his stride with the woman in front of him. When he was close enough, he reached into her coat pocket from behind and lifted out her wallet. She was...
Double Standards
We may not like it, but we’re surrounded by double standards. Most of us have a love-hate relationship with them. We don’t like it when someone else espouses a double standard, but if it’s our idea…. Children shouldn’t curse. Adults do it all the time. People must...
Rash Behavior
Confident. Over-confident. Cocky. And I paid the price. This has been an interesting summer. I’ve spent the past three months tackling weeds around the perimeter of our backyard. I hadn’t weeded those areas in two years. And yes, it was as bad as you just imagined....
Walk the Walk
Have you ever walked with small children? Hand in hand, they keep up with you by taking two or three steps for each one of yours. Experts say walking is the simplest and best way to get healthy and stay healthy. It’s easy on the knees, does not require expensive...
I’ve Changed
“You’ve changed.” The words may be spoken with disappointment or regret. After decades of marriage, one party confronts the other. Change is often the reason for the end of the relationship. “You’re not the same person I married.” Today is my wedding anniversary....
Have You Lost Your Sense of Wonder?
“Look! Clouds! Look at the clouds!”Yup, that was me on my first flight. From the sound of it, you’d think I was nine years old. Uh…no. More like twenty. Twenty years old and on my honeymoon. This was my first flight, but my husband had flown many times for his job. So...
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