Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Epic Fail

Last week I posted an update on my one word for 2016: joy. This week, in the interest of complete transparency, I’m posting an epic fail on the same subject. It happened during a recent trip to Cincinnati to attend a conference, trade show, and board meeting. I left...

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One Word Update: Joy

I recently attended a high school graduation ceremony of a friend’s son. In his commencement address, the pastor told the following joke: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and...

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Suicide Highs Result From New Lows

Anguish. Darkness. Despair. Desperation. Hopelessness. Suicide. Suicide has been called a permanent solution to temporary problems. And it’s a permanent solution that’s increasing in almost every age group in our nation. According to data recently released by the...

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When a Touch Up Isn’t Enough

Today is my cousin’s birthday. When we were kids, I enjoyed boasting about how I was older than her…by eight days. Year after year I reminded her of this glorious truth. Until one day, her mother reminded both of us my joy would be short-lived. There would come a...

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What Are You Living For?

Each year on April 13, I stop to ask the same question. I look back on the past twelve months, look forward to the coming year, and ask myself: “Does my life reflect what I claim to be living for?” It’s a question I do not answer casually. Our time on earth is...

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Love is Painful, But Worth It

I recently attended a Celebration of Life service for a friend’s adult daughter. It was a beautiful service, with a touching time of fellowship afterward. Even as we celebrated her life, the pain was palpable—agony beyond the pain of the loss of a child, as great as...

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One Word for 2016

2015 was the first year I chose to adopt One Word for the year. I wrote about selecting my word—release—in a blog post last January with an update in August. Release was not a word I chose eagerly. As a Type A personality, releasing anything does not come naturally....

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Thankful for Nothing

Have you ever been thankful for nothing? For what you don’t have? For the times God said no to your request? Lately, I’ve been thinking about how thankful I am for…nothing. Yes, you read that correctly. For what I don’t have. It’s a feeling that’s been building for...

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Lazy Thinking

Now that the new school year has begun, my thoughts have turned to arithmetic. Quick! Answer the following: 7 x 8 = 144 divided by 12 = 9,000,000 – 7,999,997 = Did you need a calculator? I was recently in a small grocery store trying to pay cash for a purchase. I...

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