Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Most days I reach into the mailbox with disinterest.  Bills. Advertisements. More bills. Rarely anything else, except at Christmas or for birthdays. After all, if someone personal wanted to contact me, I’d see their note as an email, text, or Facebook message. Who writes letters anymore?

Then a serious illness hit our family. As my husband deals with treatment that has lasted four months and will continue for at least another four months, trips to the mailbox have become a different experience. And I’m no longer disinterested.

What happens when you write a letter?

Almost daily, we receive cards. Lots and lots of cards. Big ones. Small ones. Homemade cards. Hallmark cards. DaySpring cards. And most of them contain a personal note.

It means more than you might think.

Funny thing is, with all our electronic connections, people are starting to realize the value of a handwritten card or letter sent “snail-mail.” Even the Postal Service recognized that. In 2001, they declared April to be National Card and Letter Writing Month.

Okay, yes, that’s a bit self-serving on the part of the Post Office. Of course they want to increase the purchase of postage. But that doesn’t change the truth of how we feel when we receive personal mail. As one Postal Service official said:

“Sure, email and texting is quick and convenient, and Facebook has photos and videos,
but nothing beats the thrill and excitement of opening your mailbox and finding a personal letter addressed to you.”

He’s right. Texts and emails and tweets and Facebook messages are nice. Please don’t misunderstand me. I do appreciate them and send many on a daily basis. But there’s just something about knowing someone took the time to hand write a card or letter, address and stamp the envelope, and carry it to their mailbox or drive it to the Post Office.

In our busy world with our crazy-hectic schedules, that speaks volumes.

So, what happens to the recipient when you write a letter? It changes their day. Perhaps their week. Maybe even their month.

If you really want to show someone you care, take the time. Make an effort. Send a card. Write a letter. Not just during National Letter Writing Month or at Christmas or for birthdays. Do it for no reason at all. Do it just because.

And no, this is not a request for cards and letters for us. We’ve already been blessed. Think of someone you haven’t been in contact with for a while. Drop them a line. You’ll bring a smile to their face…and to their heart.

Or you can make a phone call…but that’s a topic for a different blog post! 😊

Who will you write to (by snail-mail) today?

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  1. Vicki Wickert

    You are so right……again! Just mailed one
    So don’t stop checking that mailbox! When God
    Dictates, I write, and with much prayer and love!

  2. Ava Pennington

    Aww, Vicki, you have been such an encouragement!

  3. Pat Weimer

    You are so right. There is nothing that shows you care more than a handwritten note. It has become a lost art in this new electronic age we are in. Thank you for that reminder, and keeping you and Russ in prayer 😘

  4. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Pat.


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