Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Identity Confusion

Who are you? What is your gender? Your ethnicity? Nationality? There was a time, in the not too distant past, when people accepted that certain physical characteristics are unalterable. Of course, we’ve always used tools and techniques to present our physical...

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Fads: The Good, The Bad, The Very Bad

What’s the craziest fad you can recall? The 1960s gave us the Beatles and bellbottoms, mood rings and mini skirts. The 1970s inundated us with pet rocks and platform shoes, streakers and string art. The 1980s gave birth to Cabbage Patch dolls and Care Bears, break...

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Hollywood: Good, Bad, Christian or Not?

For several decades, Hollywood has been a favorite target for the Christian community…often with good reason. Christians have repeatedly bemoaned the lack of family-friendly fare. But the movers and shakers of Tinsel Town claim that when they do produce the types of...

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Day of the Dead

Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is attracting more and more life these days. Historically a Mexican tradition, Day of the Dead celebrations are spreading across the United States. This year, Dia de los Muertos will occur on November 1 and 2. But it’s more than...

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Convictions or Circumstances?

My heart weeps for her, even though we’ve never met. Twenty-nine, a newlywed, and terminally ill with brain cancer. Who wouldn’t be moved by Brittany Maynard’s story?  Last April, Maynard was given no more than six months to live due to stage four glioblastoma, a...

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What Kind of Choice?

It used to be in the realm of science fiction. Not anymore. Designer babies are one step closer to reality. A U.S. company, 23andMe, has received a patent for a process that could be used to choose babies selected on the basis of genes that will increase the...

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Exceeding Expectations

NASA surprised itself. Thirty-six years ago, Voyager I was launched for a four-year mission to Saturn. Exceeding expectations, it recently exited our solar system—the first manmade object to do so. Living up to its nickname, "The Little Spacecraft That Could" has...

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Privacy is Dead

Privacy is dead. When George Orwell wrote about “Big Brother” watching in his novel, 1984, I wonder if he imagined today’s culture. The NSA has the ability to monitor internet and telecommunications Unmanned drones have been claimed to monitor our activity Cameras...

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Hope…or Despair?

In 1997, Entertainment Weekly called him the funniest man alive. But this week, the funniest man alive was so wrought with despair that he committed suicide. Sixty-three years young, Robin Williams ended his battle with severe depression with finality. He could see...

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The Internet of Things

The future is now. They’re talking to each other. Not people. Machines. Yup – you read that right. This is no longer the stuff of science fiction. We’ve advanced beyond the level of people interacting with machines. Machines have been talking to each other for a...

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