Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

hurricanesHurricane Irma is coming. The most powerful storm ever in the Atlantic basin is aiming for Florida and tracking to travel up the east coast.

Where. I. Live.

Granted, by the time it reaches our area, it’s predicted to downgrade from a Category 5 to a Category 4. Not much comfort when you consider the winds of a Cat 4 hurricane move at 130 – 150 miles per hour.

So we prepare. And we pray. And we trust God.

Can He send Irma away, back out to the ocean where it won’t harm anyone? Of course.

Will He? I don’t know. But at the moment, it doesn’t appear that He will.

hurricanesHe didn’t with Hurricane Harvey. Or Hurricane Sandy. Or Katrina or Andrew, or the many other storms that have taken lives and left turmoil in their wakes.

But don’t blame God for our broken world. For a world spiraling out of control physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For hurricanes and terrorists. For corruption and despair.

They’re all the natural consequences of thousands of years of humanity—us—wanting to do life apart from our Creator.

Still, God didn’t abandon us to our choices. He sent His Son, Jesus, to restore that broken relationship. And while each of us can decide to trust Him individually for that restoration, we still live in a damaged world that awaits full redemption. A world “groaning” as it waits for the culmination of God’s restoration (Romans 8:21-22).

So what do we do now?

We watch. We pray. We pray for mercy before the storm hits. For mercy in the midst of the storm. And, if necessary, mercy in the aftermath.

And as we pray and receive His mercy, let’s remember one thing when this is over:

Don’t put God back in the closet until the next hurricane.

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  1. Ginger Hook

    Thanks Ava!! Appreciate your perspective!

  2. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Ginger!

  3. Marlene Bagnull

    As always I appreciate your godly and wise perspective. I’m reminded that Jesus never promised it would be easy to follow Him, but He has promised always to be with us.

  4. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Marlene. Yes, He has promised…and He keeps His promises!

  5. Geoff watson

    A simple thought- yet profound in its implications.

    Don’t put God back in the closet until the next hurricane.

    What’s the alternative? Invite Him into your life now. Many reading this will probably think they have already done that. And that’s true. We have embraced the gospel of grace through faith- but are we walking with Him in every area of our lives? What if we were to lose irreplaceable treasures through the tragedies in this world? What if he chooses to take our stuff, our good name, our health, our…..

    You fill in the blank.
    Fome to live is Christ and to die is gain one old time preacher proclaimed. may each one who reads this blog of Ava’s be challenged to love God first and foremost- and trust Him with everything.

    In my life that is my continual challenge.

    May God bless all who read this response to Ava’s exhortation to trust God.

  6. Mary Anselmi

    Trust in God. Not so easy sometimes because we listen to our human brain and not our spiritual brain. I have been trying to exercise my spiritual brain… because how else do we get through the trials of this life.

    I am trusting in God to get me through the latest trials in my life. I accept that he may not answer them with the outcome I am hoping for, but I am praying to submit to him and not be angry about any results that don’t align with my wishes.

    I am praying for Russ,you and your family and your community to come through this storm with a minimum of inconvenience. I Love you so much my friend, but it’s nothing compared to how much God loves you.

    Rest in his peace and promises.

  7. Jan Daley

    Praying for all of us in this trecious path dear Ava. Blessings to you and Russ and the pups and Gods mighty power to get us through life til we meet him in heaven!

  8. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Jan!

  9. Ava Pennington

    Yes, Mary – much easier said than done, isn’t it?
    We’re preparing and trusting…and waiting.

  10. Evie


  11. Garry Spriggs

    Thanks Ava. We are sheltering at the Grace Place

  12. Martha Orlando

    Ava, you are absolutely spot on! God never promised us relief from the storms of life, but promised to be by our side when we go through them. Praying for all our brothers and sisters in the path of this hurricane, and praying for those in Texas and Louisiana still in recovery.

  13. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Martha. And thank you for your prayers.

  14. Gail Whitman

    May God Bless you & Russ as you weather this storm Ava. I hope you are all someplace safe with your fur babies. We are all praying for your safety & the safety of all those affected by Irma.

  15. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Gail!


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