Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Are You Mad at God?

Life happens…although not always the way we want it to. Sometimes we’re surprised by amazing events beyond our wildest expectations. Other times, we’re blindsided by our worst nightmares come true. When that happens, do you get mad at God? After all, He’s sovereign,...

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Our Days Are Numbered

Our days are numbered. That sounds so ominous, doesn’t it? Or maybe it sounds like cheesy dialogue in a B movie: “Your days are numbered, pal.” But think about it. This earthly body doesn’t last forever. And it would seem way too senseless if the measure of our life...

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One Word Update – Wrong Word for 2018?

By most people’s standards, I picked the wrong word for 2018. For several years now, instead of making new year's resolutions, I've practiced selecting one word to focus on each year. Actually, it’s not so much that I select the word, it’s more that it’s the word I...

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Bucket List

Do you have a “bucket list”? I wasn’t familiar with the phrase until the release of the movie by the same name in 2007, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. IMDb describes The Bucket List as “Two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a...

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Hostility, Rights, and a Sense of Entitlement

(Warning: This post may not be what you expect!) A Supreme Court ruling made big news this week. The 9 justices of the highest court in the land ruled in favor of a Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, in a case where Phillips refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex...

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Waiting in Hope…Even If

Are you in God’s waiting room? Have you been praying for something, on hold for an answer, hoping for your circumstances to change? I confess, waiting is not my favorite activity. And right now, I’m waiting for something especially critical…test results of a loved...

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Christians, Please Stop Saying That

Last week another hurricane hit Florida. But it wasn’t just another hurricane. Irma is the most powerful storm to ever come out of the Atlantic. So large, it covered the whole state, coast to coast. The. Whole. State. We endured Category 1 winds on the east coast....

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Does Christianity Need a Marketing Makeover?

Can you identity the companies by these slogans?  “Can You Hear Me Now?”  “Just Do It”  “The Quicker Picker Upper” Companies usually consider certain criteria when creating a marketing slogan or tagline. They look for phrases that will differentiate their brand while...

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Suicide Highs Result From New Lows

Anguish. Darkness. Despair. Desperation. Hopelessness. Suicide. Suicide has been called a permanent solution to temporary problems. And it’s a permanent solution that’s increasing in almost every age group in our nation. According to data recently released by the...

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Thursday – A Day of Betrayal

When we think of Easter, our first thought is usually of the Resurrection. A Sunday morning that changed history. Sin conquered. Death conquered. The devil conquered. We have an empty tomb as proof of the once-for-all victory. Or maybe we think of Good Friday. The day...

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