Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

What is Your Worldview?

Is Christian your default status? To put it another way, do you identify as a “Christian” simply because other options such as Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist don’t apply? There’s a significant difference between self-identifying as a Christian—even if you attend...

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Separate or Salty?

Come out and be separate. No. Go out and be salty. Which is it? Are we to be separate or salty? As our society continues to distance itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians find themselves more and more detached from the mainstream by our values. The march...

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What Happens When You Write a Letter?

Most days I reach into the mailbox with disinterest.  Bills. Advertisements. More bills. Rarely anything else, except at Christmas or for birthdays. After all, if someone personal wanted to contact me, I’d see their note as an email, text, or Facebook message. Who...

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Whose Job Is It?

These days, passing the buck has become a national pastime in our country. Somebody should do something about those homeless people. Somebody should help the poor. Somebody should share the gospel. And because we keep shifting the responsibility to somebody else,...

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New Lies

“It’s just fiction,” they said. “It was never intended to be a theology textbook,” they said. “It will show people that God is love,” they said. In the seven years I’ve been blogging, I’ve never written a rebuttal post. I write what I believe I’ve been called to write...

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I’m Weary of Hypocrisy

I’m weary of people talking without listening to the words they speak. And they seem to be appearing in news headlines with appalling frequency. I’m weary of Christians who say God is love, then spew hatred for unbelievers. I’m weary of secularists who demand...

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Refuse to Enlist in the Christmas Wars

It’s the first day of December and the Christmas wars are already in full swing. You might have enlisted if you: correct sales clerks when they say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” give your name as “Merry Christmas” when placing a Starbucks order,...

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