Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
An Anole Named Ava

An Anole Named Ava

An Anole Named Ava   Anyone who has lived in Florida or anywhere else in the southeast region of the United States has come across an anole. You might have called them lizards, but the accurate name for these diminutive, fast-moving little buggers is anole. They...

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In the Beginning – So What?

Talking about beginnings seems especially appropriate during the month of January. A new month. A new year. And in this case, a new decade. The Bible also starts with “In the beginning” (Genesis 1:1). "In the beginning, God created…." We’ve heard those words so many...

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Creation: Fact or Fairy Tale?

One of my favorite memories is that of my mother reading to me from a book of fairy tales. Cinderella, Ali Baba, Sleeping Beauty, and other characters came to life through the sound of her voice. As I listened to their adventures, each character seemed as real as any...

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Hurricanes, Trust, and the Sovereignty of God

Hurricane Irma is coming. The most powerful storm ever in the Atlantic basin is aiming for Florida and tracking to travel up the east coast. Where. I. Live. Granted, by the time it reaches our area, it’s predicted to downgrade from a Category 5 to a Category 4. Not...

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Did the Solar Eclipse Change You?

The 2017 solar eclipse is now history. The special glasses we sought in a frenzy have been cast aside. Life is back to normal once again. So, has anything really changed? For some, the waltz between the moon and the sun merely provided a diversion from the routine—a...

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Consider the Evidence for Evolution

Have you ever served on a jury panel? If yes, you may recall being asked by one of the opposing attorneys to “consider the evidence with an open mind.” It’s time we applied that same principle to other areas of life. Take evolution, for example… The theory of...

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Science is Finally Catching Up

Have you ever heard that educated people – the ones who believe in science – can’t possibly believe the Bible? Uh-huh. I thought so. Well, guess what? Science has been gradually catching up to the Bible. They still have a long way to go, but consider just a few...

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Up A Lazy River

Writers write. That’s what I tell myself as I notice the new growth on the viburnum hedge just under my window. It’s what I remind myself when neighbors stroll by with their Labradors and miniature poodles. And it’s what motivates me as I confirm my next writing...

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Will I See My Pet in Heaven?

It’s been a tough few weeks for me when it comes to our four-legged friends. We had to say goodbye to our rescue boxer, Lacy, on Christmas eve. My editor for One Year Alone with God said goodbye to two of her pets this past month. And just this afternoon, a friend...

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An Anole Named Ava

An Anole Named Ava

An Anole Named Ava   Anyone who has lived in Florida or anywhere else in the southeast region of the United...

In the Beginning – So What?

Talking about beginnings seems especially appropriate during the month of January. A new month. A new year. And in...

Creation: Fact or Fairy Tale?

One of my favorite memories is that of my mother reading to me from a book of fairy tales. Cinderella, Ali Baba,...

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