Waiting Fruitfully We’re a third of the way through 2022. A third of the way through my year of waiting. Each year I choose one word to influence my focus. Or, more accurately, a word is made clear to me. And this year my word is wait. I’ve said it before, more...
Four Chaplains, Four Lifejackets, and Courage
Four Chaplains, Four Lifejackets, and Courage Courage was my “One Word” for 2021. So I’ve been especially sensitive to mentions and illustrations of courage. Today’s date is another reminder of the face of true courage. Seventy-nine years ago during WW2, four...
I Don’t Want To!
I Don’t Want To . . . The one word you never have to teach a toddler is “no.” And the one phrase you don’t have to teach them is “I don’t want to.” Problem is, once these words leave our lips the first time, they continue to flow naturally for the rest of our...
Looking Good . . . Not!
Looking Good . . . Not! What do window blinds and a cell phone have in common? I learned the answer to that question the other day when God used experiences with both to catch my attention. The first situation involved my cell phone. I charged it on Wednesday....
Time to Shed My Snake Skin
Time to Shed My Snake Skin I found an unwelcome surprise outside my front door a few weeks ago: a two-foot-long shed snake skin. Of course, I posted a photo on social media—not much else excitement during these days of pandemic “sheltering at home.”...
Where Do You Belong?
I’ve had some unexpected—and unwanted—visitors this past week. The first occurred when I let the dogs out one evening for their final outing. A tree frog took the opportunity to hop into the house. Let's just say he was not easy to catch. Of course, attempting to...
Justice, Mercy, or Both?
Look around. Listen to the politicians. Read the headlines. Talk to your neighbors and coworkers. It won’t take long before two themes emerge. Justice and mercy. But rarely do these two words occur in the same sentence, or even in the same conversation. There’s a lot...
Fall Colors in Nature and in Us
Fall…the time when (in places other than Florida!) nature dons flamboyant garb as God paints His world with vibrant colors. Lush, supple leaves in shades of green gradually change color until the green is just a memory, replaced by vivid red, yellow, and orange. But...
How to Respond to Suffering
Suffering is hard. So we work just as hard—if not harder—to avoid it. We don’t want to talk about it. And we run away from it. We devise detours that often end up causing even more complications. Of course, no one wants to suffer. It’s even more difficult when we have...
The Weight of Our Words
When Hurricane Irma blew through south Florida last September, we were fortunate not to sustain damage to our home. But the natural environment did not fare as well. Trees toppled all around us. Hurricane force winds snapped off branches and uprooted trees. Root balls...
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Waiting Fruitfully
Waiting Fruitfully We’re a third of the way through 2022. A third of the way through my year of waiting. Each...
Four Chaplains, Four Lifejackets, and Courage
Four Chaplains, Four Lifejackets, and Courage Courage was my “One Word” for 2021. So I’ve been especially...
I Don’t Want To!
I Don’t Want To . . . The one word you never have to teach a toddler is “no.” And the one phrase you don’t have...