Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Showing Up in Unexpected Places

Chosen Reflections: Showing Up in Unexpected Places


Jesus Christ has a way of showing up in the most unexpected places.

In episode eight of The Chosen’s first season, Jesus arrives at the home of Simon (Peter). Simon’s wife, Eden, is a bit rattled by His presence. Her observation has echoed through the centuries:

Eden: “Jesus! I wasn’t expecting you here.

Jesus: “People usually aren’t.”


Jesus’s modus operandi then . . .

Showing up in unexpected places was Jesus’s modus operandi:

  • His incarnation began in the womb of a teenage virgin (Luke 1:26-35).
  • He was placed in a manger—an animal feeding trough—at His birth (Luke 2:12).
  • At the age of thirteen, He shocked the religious scholars with understanding far beyond His earthly years (Luke 2:46-47).
  • He lived and worked in Nazareth, a town with a poor reputation (John 1:46).
  • He ate with blatant sinners (Mark 2:15).
  • He conversed with a Samaritan woman (John 4:9).
  • He showed up alive and outside the tomb when the women came to anoint His supposedly dead body on Sunday morning (John 20:11-15).


. . . And now

And He’s still showing up in unexpected places today. Only now, His physical presence occurs through the hands and feet of His followers. You and I are part of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27):

  • When parents forgive the drunk driver who killed their son.
  • When a father forgives his daughter’s murderer.
  • When a nun shuns the privileged while living and serving among the poorest of the poor in the slums of India.
  • When we extend grace and mercy to the undeserving, as God has done for us.
  • When we defend the helpless who cannot defend themselves.


How is Jesus Christ showing up in unexpected places through you today?


(This is tenth in a series of blog posts inspired by The Chosen, a multi-season series about the life of Jesus and His followers. Each post highlights a quote sourced from Season 1. Previous posts include:


  1. Chosen Reflections: I Have Called You By Name
  2. Chosen Reflections: The Difference
  3. Chosen Reflections: Provision
  4. Chosen Reflections: Purpose
  5. Chosen Reflections: Fishers of Men
  6. Chosen Reflections: Do Whatever He Tells You
  7. Chosen Reflections: Follow the Leader
  8. Chosen Reflections: Are You a Student?
  9. Chosen Reflections: Get Used to Different

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  1. Linda Stoll

    Thank God He shows up at the times and places of His choosing. Only He knows where and when, who and what is best.

  2. Nancy E. Head

    I’m so thankful for His faithfulness. May we be faithful too!

  3. Melissa Henderson

    Amen. I am thankful Jesus is always with us. We can find comfort knowing He will show up at any moment.

  4. Jessica Brodie

    Amen! I love seeing how God wows us through His extravagant, unexpected love, mercy, and grace. I love seeing joy shine even in the darkest, seemingly worst moments. Praise God for this. Thanks for a great message, Ava!

  5. Linda Samaritoni

    Love your message! And he doesn’t have to show up in some dramatic fashion. That’s why I’m always on the watch for divine appointments in the simple moments of the everyday.

  6. Yvonne Morgan

    Thank you for the wonderful reminder of His faithfulness every day. I would be lost if God did not show up to rescue me. Great post, Ava.

  7. Melinda Viergever Inman

    I love these posts based on The Chosen, Ava!

    Jesus shows up in the daily maintenance of my health in all the gritty places.

    Jesus shows us when I need his grace to forgive someone, supplying the ability to do so.

    Jesus shows up as our family deals with calamitous circumstances that only he can impact.

  8. Karen Friday

    So good, Ava. Grateful Jesus continues to show up in unexpected places in our lives.

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