Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Scroll - Get used to different

Chosen Reflections: Get Used to Different


Jesus Christ has a way of turning life upside down.

In episode seven of The Chosen’s first season, the character of Jesus calls a tax collector, Matthew, to follow as His disciple. Another of Jesus’s disciples, Simon, is aghast that Jesus would make such a choice. Their conversation is a showstopper.

Simon: “Whoa, what are you doing? Do you have any idea what this guy has done? Do you even know him?”

Jesus: “Yes.”

Simon: “I don’t get it.”

Jesus: “You didn’t get it when I chose you, either.”

Simon: “But this is different. I’m not a tax collector.”

Jesus: “Get used to different.”

Get used to different. What an accurate perspective on the Christian life. A life in which:

Jesus isn’t someone we add to our life to make it better, like a cherry added to the top of an ice cream sundae. When Jesus comes into our life, the status quo leaves. He doesn’t make us better, He makes us brand new (2 Cor. 5:17). And this new life, by its very nature, will be different.

If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, have you embraced different? If you have, what does this look like in your life?

If you haven’t embraced different, what’s stopping you?


(This is ninth in a series of blog posts inspired by The Chosen, a multi-season series about the life of Jesus and His followers. Each post will highlight a quote sourced from Season 1. Previous posts include:

  1. Chosen Reflections: I Have Called You By Name
  2. Chosen Reflections: The Difference
  3. Chosen Reflections: Provision
  4. Chosen Reflections: Purpose
  5. Chosen Reflections: Fishers of Men
  6. Chosen Reflections: Do Whatever He Tells You
  7. Chosen Reflections: Follow the Leader
  8. Chosen Reflections: Are You a Student?



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  1. Rayma Zugel

    Years ago, shortly after accepting Christ into my life, my sister and brother-in-law came for a visit. As we were sitting and chatting one night, my brother-in-law said, “I don’t know what’s different in your life, but it looks good on you”. He then said I should not come back to Michigan, that whatever (or whoever) I found in Florida is good for me.

    I love that I then got to share with him that it was Christ that made the difference.

  2. Sharon Johnson

    I needed this, Ava. Thank you. I thought I was flexible, but it’s getting harder and this is something I need to constantly remember. Get used to different.

  3. Ava Pennington

    I needed it myself, Sharon.

  4. Ava Pennington

    Rayma – I love that the difference showed!

  5. Marcie Cramsey

    I love The Chosen. This particular scene is one of my favorites. I like how you list the many ways followers of Jesus are different from the world!

  6. Yvonne Morgan

    What a great perspective, “Get used to different.” I love how God can turn everything upside down in the world’s view. We are called to be different. Thanks for sharing Ava.

  7. Melinda Viergever Inman

    This series is incredible! It’s life changing. The way Jesus is portrayed is powerful, bringing him to life in a way I’ve never seen in any previous “Jesus movies.” The fact that, like Matthew, Jesus has forgiven me for every sin I’ve EVER committed or will commit impacts the way I treat others. Issues that are difficult and painful for others provoke compassion in me, for I could have done that same wrong, but by the grace of God. I’m more careful about what I say and how I go about discussing certain painful issues of sin, so that if anyone was ever involved in that sin I will not make them feel condemned. But by the grace of God, any of us could commit any atrocity, and yet God in his goodness has spared us or he has forgiven us. I’m getting used to different.

  8. Jessica Brodie

    Such a great piece, as always. It’s so true… Christians ARE different. We don’t follow the world but rather our Father in heaven, We live with different values and must act accordingly. Different is good!

  9. Karen Friday

    Ava, you’ve expressed a great way to remember the Christian life: “Jesus isn’t someone we add to our life to make it better, like a cherry added to the top of an ice cream sundae. When Jesus comes into our life, the status quo leaves. He doesn’t make us better, He makes us brand new (2 Cor. 5:17). And this new life, by its very nature, will be different.”

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