Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Anniversary Reaction

Anniversary Reaction

Anniversary Reaction   I may forget where I placed my eyeglasses (and yes, it’s possible they’re on my head). I may forget what I ate for breakfast (but I probably didn’t forget to eat!). And I may forget your birthday (even though it’s written on my calendar)....

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Look Up or Give Up?

Look Up or Give Up?

Look Up or Give Up?   Some of us are ready to give up. Feelings of hopelessness are pervasive as we wonder how much longer this health crisis will continue. And in the face of conflicting predictions, we wonder if we’ll have the stamina to wait it out. Masks....

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Pocketing, Cookie Jarring, and Jesus

Pocketing and cookie jarring. To paraphrase a line from The Princess Bride, “I do not think it means what you think it means.” One thing is for sure: neither phrase means what I thought they meant! Both terms are now used to describe dating trends. Pocketing occurs...

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After 9/11…or any Tragedy: Where was God?

This week we commemorated a horrific event in our nation’s history. Social media feeds once again overflowed with posts and photos from September 11, 2001—a day that (please excuse the cliché) will live in infamy. Whether it’s 9/11 or another tragedy, personal or...

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Why Me? Why Not Me?

Living in Florida, I recently engaged in a stressful dance with Hurricane Dorian. For those who haven’t been following the vagaries of tropical weather, Dorian crossed the Atlantic as a tropical storm that grew into a Category 5 hurricane. With a peak wind speed of...

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Abounding in Hope Despite the Rain

Hurricane Barry made landfall on the Louisiana coast in July as 2019’s first hurricane. As Barry approached, fears about the Category 1 hurricane focused primarily on water damage from storm surge, an already high Mississippi river, and torrential rain. And Hurricane...

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How Much Suffering is Too Much?

Enough. Have you ever said that to God? Enough suffering, Lord. I’ve had more than my fair share of trouble. When is it going to stop? Remember the trials and tribulations of Job? His near-perfect life was disrupted by trouble. Lots and lots of trouble. He lost his...

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Thankful for the Assurance of Heaven

In honor of Thanksgiving, I considered writing a post about all the things for which I’m thankful. Then I considered writing a post about all the things for which others should be thankful. But I decided to get ultra-personal. Those who know me personally know my...

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What are You Leaning Into?

Ever hear someone refer to God as a crutch? Something only weak people need to lean on to get through life? I’ve always found that argument irrational, all the more so when promoted by people who practically worship rationality. It implies that weakness is the...

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Oaks From Acorns Grow

Remember the song, “Tall Oaks from Acorns Grow”? It’s a cute children’s song—one I hadn’t thought of in decades…until I began catching up on long overdue yardwork. For the past 2 years, circumstances have caused me to neglect our yard. Shrubs grew wild and leggy....

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