Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Identifying Your Worldview

Identifying Your Worldview

Identifying Your Worldview   Did you know you have a worldview? We all do, whether we realize it or not. And if we identify as a Christian, does that mean we have a Christian worldview? Or are we playing “Hokey Pokey” with our faith? Not everyone who identifies...

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Is Your Purpose Out of Balance?

Is Your Purpose Out of Balance?

Is Your Purpose Out of Balance?    I love my phone. Well, maybe not love. But I’m very attached. Except these days I may have to come up with a new name for this device.   My mobile device used to be a phone—just a phone. Then it became a phone with a camera. No...

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Guest Post: Barb Winters, Author of Sexpectations

Guest Post: Barb Winters, Author of Sexpectations

It is my privilege to introduce you to Barb Winters in this guest post as she introduces her new book Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships. Sexpectations releases August 8 and is available now for pre-order. I highly recommend this...

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The Benefit of Daily Conversation with Friends

The Benefit of Daily Conversation with Friends

The Benefit of Daily Conversation with Friends   When was the last time you spoke with a friend? A recent study published earlier this year concluded that at least one conversation with a friend every day leads to an increased sense of well-being and happiness....

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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness   Have you noticed that kindness seems more significant when it occurs randomly? Maybe it’s due to expectations. We expect people we know to be kind or we wouldn’t continue the relationship. Or maybe we expect others to be kind because we...

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Culture Wars?

Culture Wars?

Culture Wars?   Another Election Day has passed. And I keep hearing about the “culture war” we must engage in. Which makes me wonder, are we fighting a culture war? Maybe the better question is, should we be fighting a culture war? Many Christians today believe...

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Quiet Quitting Christianity

Quiet Quitting Christianity

Quiet Quitting Christianity   If you spend any time on the internet, you’ve probably heard about “quiet quitters.” This is a relatively new term describing a very old practice. Quiet quitters do the bare minimum on their job. Just enough to get by, but not an...

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Is Christianity Irrelevant?

Is Christianity Irrelevant?

Is Christianity Irrelevant?   Is Christianity irrelevant? If you’re a Bible-believing follower of Christ, you’ve already answered this question with an emphatic “No!” If you’re not a Christian, or if you identify as a Christian because you attend church on...

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National Tell the Truth Day

National Tell the Truth Day

National Tell the Truth Day   Has telling the truth become an exception? Or is it simply entertaining? The television program, To Tell the Truth, is based on the premise that contestants can’t determine which of four panel members is lying. In the classic comedy,...

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Fences, Walls, or Guardrails?

Fences, Walls, or Guardrails?

Fences, Walls, or Guardrails?   I’ve been thinking lately about fences, walls, and guardrails, and the way we can view each one. A quote from a television program recently caught my attention, not because it was so good, which it was, but because it is so foreign...

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