Some movies stay with you forever. Schindler’s List is one of those movies for me. And the emotional pull did not stop when the closing credits ran. The movie ended with the various actors, paired with their real-life counterparts, filing past Oskar Schindler’s actual...
Aging Gracefully . . . and Biblically
Is it possible to age gracefully? What does that even mean? Been thinking recently about aging. It may have something to do with the fact that I’ve reached another milestone birthday. In a culture that worships youth, I wonder how long it will be before I become a...
Easter Sunday is Coming!
The clichés abound. Life is a process. Life is a journey. Life is a highway. Life is each of these and more. But as we move through the processes, in our journeys, and on the highways, what are we doing during these times? Especially during the times of waiting? Or...
Mate for Life
I never thought a sandhill crane would make me cry. A pair of sandhill cranes were living in our little corner of the neighborhood for the last year. It seems fitting, since they happen to be the logo of our development. We’ve watched them establish a routine....
Supporting Life
Our society is critical of hypocrites in general, and especially judgmental of perceived hypocrisy within the Christian community. Yet, consider the double standards espoused by our culture. And no where are they more obvious than in the area of protecting life. Think...
New Year, Clean Slate
We’re almost two weeks into the new year. In many ways, there’s nothing new about it, other than changing the year when we write the date. (Anyone beside me becoming adept at converting a seven into an eight?) If 2018 is feeling more like “same old, same old,” why all...
How Are You Spending the Week Between Years?
This is an odd week. No business meetings. No school. No medical appointments. No expectancy. Christmas is past, the new year not yet arrived. A week of suspended activity. But it’s just another week, isn’t it? Another seven days like any other seven days? Yet it’s...
Do Your Traditions Affirm or Distract?
Have you ever practiced a tradition without knowing why or how it started? Does it matter? One friend celebrates half-birthdays in her family. Another organizes an egg hunt every Easter for the children in her family. Still another friend serves pizza for dinner every...
Christmas and the Hearts of Kings…and Presidents
Are you unhappy with our current president? Perhaps you didn’t like the president before him. Complaints about political leaders have existed about as long as nations have had rulers. Still, how we express our dissatisfaction says much about our worldview…and our view...
Too Early for Christmas Joy ?
I’ve heard the complaints. November is for Thanksgiving. December is for Christmas. Eat the turkey before you set up the tree. And I’ve seen the memes on social media. Two shoppers: “The mall’s all decorated for Christmas. You know what that means.” “Thanksgiving is...
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