Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Dayenu - That is Enough

Dayenu – That is Enough!


This has been a significant week on several levels. From a Good Friday presentation of “Messiah in the Passover” to rejoicing in the resurrection of Christ on Sunday, to celebrating a personal milestone later in the week.

A common thread connects all three events for me.

At the close of the Good Friday service, the presenter, Dr. Rich Freeman of Chosen People Ministries, made his newest book available. If you remember the 23rd psalm, you may recognize his book’s title: The Lord is My Shepherd: Dayenu. The title is based on the first verse of the psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

But what does it take for us to say, “I shall not want”? To say, “Dayenu”? To say, “That is enough”?

How much is enough? When I left a lucrative executive position in the NY corporate world, an uncle expressed shock at our intent to make life work solely on my husband’s pension. I wanted to devote my time to what I believed God called me to do: teach the Bible and write. Perhaps it was a foolish decision by the world’s standards. My uncle certainly thought so. He rebuked me for throwing away significant earning potential. After all, we weren’t rich. And our plan included clipping coupons and taking advantage of early-bird dinner specials. But we were not in debt. And we were content.

Dayenu. That is enough.

Isn’t that the whole point of celebrating Easter? That the purchase of our salvation requires nothing more? That Christ’s death on the cross is enough? In fact, even if we wanted to, we could add nothing to the purchase price of the shed blood of Christ. He did all that was necessary. “It is finished.”

Dayenu. That is enough.

I’m content in the salvation Jesus purchased for me. But am I still as content in the life I’m leading? My personal milestone this week is both positive and negative. Positive in that I’m thankful for another year of life. Negative because I don’t think of myself as being this old. Sure, the slowly increasing number of gray hairs reflected in the mirror testify to the reality that time marches on. But I still think of myself as someone much younger. Someone with more hopes and dreams and opportunities waiting to be grasped. I remember being challenged a few years ago with this question: “If, after your salvation, God did not say yes to any more of your requests, would that be enough? Would you still be grateful?” I know how I want to answer that question. But is the right answer my honest answer?

And yet, dayenu. That is enough.

The apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians includes an interesting statement. “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Phil. 4:11). Contentment is a journey. A process. Contentment doesn’t just happen. It’s learned. Of course, I still have hopes, dreams, and goals I’m working to fulfill. But if I don’t fulfill them, dayenu. It’s enough. Because the one who saved my life for all eternity still directs my steps. And I trust Him.

And a big thank you to Dr. Rich Freeman for reminding me of this truth!

How easy or difficult is it for you to tell God, Dayenu?


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