Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Save the Date for These Freebies!

I’ve heard it said that nothing in life is free. For the most part, that’s true. But like many rules, this one has an exception or two.  The air we breathe is free. The explosion of color in a glorious sunset is free. The melodious warble of a songbird is free. But if...

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Eternal Contributions

Mother’s Day is over, but for some, the emotions –happy or sad – linger. I recently spent some time with a young friend who is struggling with her role in the family and in the Church. Her feelings were exacerbated by the calendar – Mother’s Day happened to be the...

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Salute to Mothers

For every mother who sacrificed for her children. For every mother who has been her children’s greatest cheerleader. For every mother who challenged her children to be the best they can be. For every mother who gave more of herself than she thought possible. For every...

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Between Friday and Sunday

The clichés abound. Life is a process. Life is a journey. Life is a highway. Life is each of these and more. But as we move through the processes, in our journeys, and on the highways, what are we doing during these times? Especially during the times of waiting? Or...

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Give Up or Give Out?

We’re more than halfway through the season known as Lent. In many churches, Lent is observed as a forty day period of prayer and introspection leading to Easter. It’s also a traditional time of fasting, when some Christians give up a favorite food or activity in an...

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A Month of Love!

February is thought of as the month of love, with Valentine’s Day taking center stage. But Cupid’s arrows have little to do with true love. You and I have the capacity for deep and abiding love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Because we are the recipients of...

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Weather or Not…

“Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh…” We strolled from house to house, singing out familiar and beloved Christmas carols. Caroling is one of my favorite Christmas activities, but this year something just didn’t feel right. It wasn’t the houses. They...

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Favorite Christmas Tradition

I am an unabashed Christmasphile. I play Christmas carols in July - in Florida! We set up our Christmas tree no later than the day after Thanksgiving. Of course, if it were up to me, the tree would be displayed weeks earlier, but my husband is the voice of reason in...

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My Own Angel

Every day of the Christmas season is magical when you’re eight years old. Bright lights, colorful decorations, dazzling trees, gaily-wrapped gifts, and mouth-watering treats combine to create an enchanting time from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. But the second...

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Christmas Memories

Putting up our Christmas decorations is a simple enough task. Bring in the boxes from the garage and spread their contents around the house. It should take a day at most. But it’s not so simple for me because of the memories evoked by the decorations and ornaments......

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