Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Inconvenient Service

A few weeks ago, I posted the following on my Facebook page: “Is God calling you to serve Him? What is your answer?” It’s a relatively straightforward question. Yes or no. And yet it’s often not so simple.God calls us to serve in our churches, neighborhoods, and Bible...

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The Trouble with Youngsters Today…

What’s the matter with young people today? If this is the future of our country, our nation is doomed. The trouble with youngsters today… I can remember hearing statements like these when I was a teenager, 40+ years ago. And I’m still hearing them today. I’ve even...

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Who Do You Remember?

Quick – who was the winner of the: -       2010 Nobel Peace Prize? -       2009 Miss America pageant?          -       2008 summer Olympics archery gold medal? Now identify: -       the high school teacher who motivated you to be your best? -       the Sunday school...

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Make a Difference

Do you ever get discouraged at how problematic the world has become? Does your heart sink at the avalanche of troubles burying you, your family, or your friends? That even if you wanted to help, you wouldn’t know where to begin? I love the story, ascribed to Loren...

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More Bang for My Buck

The National Bureau of Economic Research has declared the recession to be over. According to their data, it ended in June, 2009. But don’t be surprised if fourteen million unemployed people disagree. Still, even for those who have found jobs and are part of the...

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Nurturing Relationships…or Not

“Let’s get together for lunch soon.” How many times have I said those words in the past few years without actually doing it? Too many to count, I’m afraid. Oh, I post on Facebook. I tweet on Twitter. And I blog. I’m so busy staying connected that I can easily go weeks...

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More Than Called…

“To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance” (Jude 1:1-2). Each of us have been called to serve our mighty God in a unique way. But we may become so busy fulfilling our call that...

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When No One Seems to Notice

“We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts” (I Thess. 2:4) Serving the Lord can sometimes be discouraging work. It may become even more discouraging when we’ve poured ourselves into our calling - teaching, writing, or any other calling - and no one...

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