Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Walk the Walk

Have you ever walked with small children? Hand in hand, they keep up with you by taking two or three steps for each one of yours. Experts say walking is the simplest and best way to get healthy and stay healthy. It’s easy on the knees, does not require expensive...

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I’ve Changed

“You’ve changed.” The words may be spoken with disappointment or regret. After decades of marriage, one party confronts the other. Change is often the reason for the end of the relationship. “You’re not the same person I married.” Today is my wedding anniversary....

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Have You Lost Your Sense of Wonder?

“Look! Clouds! Look at the clouds!”Yup, that was me on my first flight. From the sound of it, you’d think I was nine years old. Uh…no. More like twenty. Twenty years old and on my honeymoon. This was my first flight, but my husband had flown many times for his job. So...

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Me vs. the Hackers

They kept coming. For every fifty I swatted, two hundred took their place. There was no way I could survive the onslaught…of spam. When I turned on my computer, my inbox was filled with 62,465 “undeliverable” error messages. I began deleting, but the incoming waves...

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The Christian’s Bar of Soap

They say cleanliness is next to godliness. Whether it’s next to godliness or not, cleanliness is certainly healthier for us. Partially due to a lack of hand-washing, increasing numbers of patients are contracting infections in the one place they should expect to get...

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If a picture is worth a thousand words (as the saying goes), then what does a selfie say about us?  In case you’ve been out of touch for the past year or two or three, a selfie is a photo you take of yourself, usually with a smartphone. It’s then posted to a social...

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Puppy Perseverance

“Big” is relative. The smaller we are, the larger everything else appears. A few years ago, during a visit to my childhood church, I gazed in amazement at how tiny the classrooms were. I didn’t remember them being that small when I was eight years old. Basketball nets...

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Daily Reflections

Daily Reflections on the Names of God was written for the dailiness of life. It’s a daily devotional that explores the names and attributes of God, focusing on who He is, who we are in relationship to Him, and how that changes how we relate to each other.

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Savings by the Numbers

Let’s face it, most of us enjoy a bargain. I know I love a good sale. Thanks to information floating around the Internet, for those in the know, saving money is as easy as mastering the numbers on price tags. Here’s some “secret” information that many claim will help...

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If It’s Clean, Is It Still Comedy?

It started in 1972 with George Carlin’s routine, “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” and it’s been downhill ever since. In 1990, Andrew Dice Clay was the first comedian to sell out Madison Square Garden for two straight nights – and he did it with an act...

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