Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
In the Time You Gave Me

In the Time You Gave Me

In the Time You Gave Me   Do you know how much time you have? Do any of us? We don’t. In the coming week, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. But this year, on that day I will also celebrate the birthday of someone I love who is no longer here. Can I do both on...

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Unappreciated?   Ever feel as if you’re unappreciated? It’s happened to most of us. And during this COVID-19 pandemic it’s happening even more often. Employees are doing the work of two or three people as coworkers resign due to virus fears or are laid off due to...

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Halloween Hurdle

Halloween Hurdle

Halloween Hurdle   Have you ever watched a hurdling event in track and field sports? Participants compete by running a race that incorporates obstacles—hurdles—which the runners must clear. This time of year reminds me of hurdling events. Before I can celebrate...

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Is Work a Curse or a Blessing?

Is Work a Curse or a Blessing?

Is work a curse or a blessing?   It’s all Adam and Eve’s fault. If they hadn’t sinned in the Garden, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I confess, this was my perspective for many years. And I’m not alone. A common perspective on work is that it’s punishment....

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What’s the Purpose of Freedom?

What’s the Purpose of Freedom?

What’s the Purpose of Freedom?   “Land of the free and home of the brave.”  We sing it as part of our national anthem. We’re free! But what does that actually mean? Just how free are we? We have freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly. We’re free to bear...

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Things Moms Say (aka Momisms)

Things Moms Say (aka Momisms)

Is there any role in life more under-appreciated than motherhood? I don’t think so. In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I offer you Anita Renfroe’s humorous, classic look at the things moms say, set to the tune of the William Tell Overture. Click on the word...

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Should Christians Seek Good Luck?

Should Christians Seek Good Luck?

We’re into the month of St. Patrick’s Day and four-leaf clovers. The month when green milk is fun (maybe not). And the month when everyone is a wee bit Irish because we’re hoping for a bit o’ luck to rub off on us. Luck. We hope for good luck and bemoan bad luck. But...

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Our Need to Remember

Three years ago this month, my husband receiveda diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Two years ago this month, the doctor told him his prognosis was terminal. For me, January will always be associated with these events. For better or for worse, our need to remember is...

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Every Tribe, Language, People, and Nation

Do you remember the song, Jesus Loves the Little Children, written by C. Herbert Woolston? Even if you don’t know all the stanzas, you probably remember the refrain: Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, All...

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My One Word for 2020: Attentive

Do you make new year’s resolutions? I used to, but they never lasted more than a few months at the most. A few years ago, I began adopting one word to focus on throughout the year as a substitute for resolutions. One word that would apply to multiple areas of my life....

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