Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
doughnut - junk food

Spiritual Junk Food


Not sure why, but I’ve been bingeing on junk food for the past several weeks. Which is a bit ironic, considering March is National Nutrition Month.

So in honor of this month, here’s a devotion excerpted from Reflections on the Names of God: 180 Devotions to Know God More Fully. This is one of the devotional entries for Jesus’s name, “Bread of Life.”


Junk Food

How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey.
Psalm 119:103 NLT

Reflections on the Names of GodWe live in a junk-food world. All too regularly, we satisfy our physical hunger with convenient or tasty foods that provide little nutrition.

Just as we can fill our bodies with unhealthy foods, we can also fill our souls with spiritual junk food. Spending time and energy on activities that do not have eternal value dulls our spiritual appetite for God’s Word.

The psalmist not only hungered for God’s words, he found their taste sweeter than honey. Can we say the same? Some of us read the Bible out of obligation; we do it because we know it is good for us, but it doesn’t “taste” good. From there, we might progress to reading the Bible because it is spiritually satisfying. Better still is when we spend time in the Word of God because it is a delight—the equivalent of eating the most delectable dessert.

The world works tirelessly to draw us away from feeding on the Bread of Life. Don’t be distracted by spiritual junk food. 

Bread of Life, forgive me for filling up on things that do not satisfy. Help me feed on the spiritual nourishment that comes through Your Word and Your Holy Spirit.


What spiritual junk food has been diminishing your appetite for God and His Word?


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  1. Melissa Henderson

    This is a great reminder to pause and consider what junk is filling our thoughts. Thank you Ava. Today, I am going to think about this. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  2. Jessica Brodie

    This is so good! I always thing about this in terms of healthy eating. I’m at the point in my life where the junk food takes like garbage and healthy food is what is tastiest, but it took many years to get here. It’s the same with spiritual food. Eventually we find the “good stuff” tastes MUCH better.

  3. Melinda Viergever Inman

    Bickering while housebound can provide plenty of junk food to suppress one’s appetite for God’s Word.

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    I fill myself full of too much junk food and spiritual junk too. Thanks for the wonderful reminder Ava.

  5. Karen Friday

    Love this analogy, Ava. Then enemy’s tactic is to lure us away from the Bread of Life for less filling and less nutrition for our souls. I pray the Word reminds my spiritual appetite just how sweet honey is.

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