People post the cutest, funniest, and wisest things on Facebook. Two weeks ago, fellow writer Lisa Jordan wrote on her Facebook page: “Typing with a Band-aid on is like talking with a mouthful of Novocaine.” I chuckled at her simile (after I looked up simile and...
Do You Know What I Know?
Everyone thought they knew Carly. Her family, her doctors, her therapists, even her twin sister. Everyone was wrong. Carly is a teenage girl with autism. For eleven years, her family loved and cared for her. They provided her with all the therapy she needed, but she...
Nurturing Relationships…or Not
“Let’s get together for lunch soon.” How many times have I said those words in the past few years without actually doing it? Too many to count, I’m afraid. Oh, I post on Facebook. I tweet on Twitter. And I blog. I’m so busy staying connected that I can easily go weeks...
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