Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Nurturing Relationships…or Not

“Let’s get together for lunch soon.” How many times have I said those words in the past few years without actually doing it? Too many to count, I’m afraid. Oh, I post on Facebook. I tweet on Twitter. And I blog. I’m so busy staying connected that I can easily go weeks...

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National Tell the Truth Day

Many of us can remember chanting the childhood accusation, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Perhaps you've seen the movie, Liar, Liar, starring Jim Carey as an attorney who cannot tell a lie for 24 hours. Because of this one little impediment, his life is turned upside...

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No Wrong Choices?

A friend likes to post inspirational quotes on her Facebook page. I usually enjoy reading them (and love staying connected with her and so many others), but I couldn’t get past one particular quote. It was from self-help guru Susan Jeffers, who said, “There are no...

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What is Your Challenge?

I admit it...I am color-challenged. As in, every house we’ve lived in for the past 30+ years has had nothing but white walls. And white ceilings. And white wood trim. Oh, except for one house that already had wallpaper in the dining room. We left that up because it...

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Time for Happiness

For most children in school the Christmas break seems eons away from September. After Christmas vacation, the Easter break feels like it will never arrive. For me, the worst was always after Easter. Summer vacation was tantalizingly close, yet far enough away that the...

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