Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Tickled Ears

Can you answer these questions? Do you even care? Is there a Buddhist terror threat? Why is the status of the Euro important? How does Vladimir Putin’s leadership affect the United States? What impact does Japan’s military have on world affairs? Who are the rising...

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Science is Finally Catching Up

Have you ever heard that educated people – the ones who believe in science – can’t possibly believe the Bible? Uh-huh. I thought so. Well, guess what? Science has been gradually catching up to the Bible. They still have a long way to go, but consider just a few...

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I don’t like asking for help. Yup, I’d much rather offer assistance than receive it. Our culture celebrates ability, competence, and independence. Dependence is discouraged. Needy people are dismissed as a burden. Disability is denigrated. And then, just when our...

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If a picture is worth a thousand words (as the saying goes), then what does a selfie say about us?  In case you’ve been out of touch for the past year or two or three, a selfie is a photo you take of yourself, usually with a smartphone. It’s then posted to a social...

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Happily Ever After Marriage?

I love happy-ever-after endings. Despite our cynical culture, I believe most people feel the same way. There’s more than enough bad news in the world. Christians and non-Christians alike want to know that good still triumphs over evil. Maybe that’s why fairy tales...

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Duck Commanders, Singing Nuns, and Me

Just when I thought our culture could no longer surprise me…it does. Consider these two examples in the entertainment world:  A clan of duck hunters from the Louisiana backwoods has become a media phenomenon. This conservative Christian clan has fueled an...

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Is Superman Like Jesus?

Hollywood has long been accused of being anti-Christian. But prior to the release of Man of Steel, the newest movie version of Superman, Warner Bros. studio kicked into high gear to promote their film to the Christian market. With screenings for pastors, free film...

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A Monument to…Nothing

After years of battling for the removal of Ten Commandment Monuments in free speech zones around the United States, the American Atheists seem to have decided, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” They recently unveiled a monument to unbelief in front of the courthouse...

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Save the Date for These Freebies!

I’ve heard it said that nothing in life is free. For the most part, that’s true. But like many rules, this one has an exception or two.  The air we breathe is free. The explosion of color in a glorious sunset is free. The melodious warble of a songbird is free. But if...

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An Improvement … or Not?

Have you noticed the new trend in cleansers? Laundry and dish detergents are new and improved. Again. Now they’ve morphed from powders to liquids to gels to…pods. No more measuring and spilling. No more worrying if we’re using too much or too little. No more straining...

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