Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Hollywood has long been accused of being anti-Christian. But prior to the release of Man of Steel, the newest movie version of Superman, Warner Bros. studio kicked into high gear to promote their film to the Christian market.

With screenings for pastors, free film clips, and draft sermons, the studio’s public relations firm sought to present a Christian interpretation to this secular movie. One version of the sermon notes stated:

“Superman’s mythical origins are rooted in the timeless reality of a spiritual superhero
who also lived a modest life until extraordinary times required a supernatural response.
How might the story of Superman awaken our passion for the greatest hero who ever lived and died and rose again?”


The marketing effort seems to have succeeded. The film’s opening weekend was the biggest June opening in movie history.

But is Superman really like Jesus? Yes, Superman’s father sent him to earth – but the original purpose was to save his child, not to save humanity. Of course, Superman does put his life on the line to battle Zod. But his defeat of evil occurs by force, not by sacrifice.

However, what disturbs me most of all is that the comparison of Superman to Jesus Christ compares a fictional character to a very real person. It attributes mythical powers to the very real supernatural power of the Son of God. And a new generation is being subtly influenced to think of Jesus Christ as just another fabrication.

Are Christians so desperate for validation by Hollywood that we allow ourselves to be used for someone else’s agenda? Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not against Superman. I’m just less than happy when Jesus Christ becomes nothing more than a marketing ploy in the race for box office receipts.

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  1. Cheryl Townes

    Jesus Christ does not need Hollywood or Superman to validate his existence. Their is no comparison. plain and simple. Simply Superman cannot and is not God. Superman had a funeral.
    Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.

  2. Anna Marie Rosenberg

    Superman was a comic book and a series and movies. Jesus is the Lord of Lords, King of Kings. Try to top that Hollywood! By the way I have a documentary that will be having a press showing on line. Would you like to review it. I must warn you the story is controversial but in the end the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified. Anna Marie Rosenberg

  3. Grace@ComposedByGrace

    “However, what disturbs me most of all is that the comparison of Superman to Jesus Christ compares a fictional character to a very real person. It attributes mythical powers to the very real supernatural power of the Son of God. And a new generation is being subtly influenced to think of Jesus Christ as just another fabrication.”

    I so agree, Ava!! Comparing any part of the Trinity with something created in the mind of man, especially from the cesspool called Hollywood, just lessens His value, dumbing Him down. Good word, Ava!!

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