Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Christmas and the Hearts of Kings…and Presidents

Are you unhappy with our current president? Perhaps you didn’t like the president before him. Complaints about political leaders have existed about as long as nations have had rulers. Still, how we express our dissatisfaction says much about our worldview…and our view...

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Too Early for Christmas Joy ?

I’ve heard the complaints. November is for Thanksgiving. December is for Christmas. Eat the turkey before you set up the tree. And I’ve seen the memes on social media. Two shoppers: “The mall’s all decorated for Christmas. You know what that means.” “Thanksgiving is...

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Fear of Missing Out

Have you ever suffered from FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out. These days, FOMO is epidemic. Our culture constantly assaults us with a barrage of marketing messages that cultivate a fear of missing out. And nothing cultivates FOMO as effectively as social media. Reading about...

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The Key to Real Success

’Tis the season of graduations…and graduation speeches. And almost every speech will encourage the graduates in their pursuit of success. A recent search for the word “success” in the Amazon books category yielded 269,946 results. At the click of a button, more than a...

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Poor Recordkeeping Recommended

Few national proclamations for the month of April sound as boring as “Records and Information Management Month.” This uninspiring designation is probably related to April 15—the day by which income tax returns are submitted to the U. S. federal government. The weeks...

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How Should We Live?

  Each new year brings the potential for a clean slate. New opportunities, new challenges, new experiences. But that clean slate also produces uncertainty. Globally, we're facing wars, terrorism, and natural disasters. Nationally, we're weary of political...

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See the Baby Jesus

I love Christmas. The music, lights, and decorations. The tree and the ornaments, the Christmas village, and especially the nativity scenes. Of all my Christmas decorations, my favorite is a large tabletop display that includes a manger set in the midst of a hustling,...

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Refuse to Enlist in the Christmas Wars

It’s the first day of December and the Christmas wars are already in full swing. You might have enlisted if you: correct sales clerks when they say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” give your name as “Merry Christmas” when placing a Starbucks order,...

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Just Because I Can Doesn’t Mean I Should

Another uproar. Another point of division in a divided country. Another debate about free speech. The gifted, diverse cast of a Broadway play exercised their right to free speech by making a political appeal to a VIP in the audience. Supporters of the cast affirmed...

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