Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Not Enough Time?

Not Enough Time?

Not Enough Time?   It happened again. I lost a whole month. Four-and-a-half weeks. Thirty-one days. More than seven hundred hours. January ran away from home. It’s as if the month was never here. One minute Christmas decorations filled store shelves and the next...

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One Word: From Wait to Present

One Word: From Wait to Present

One Word: From Wait to Present   Time for my new 2023 “one word.” For 2022, my “one word” was wait, something I’ve never done well. So it did not surprise me when God gave me that word. For the past several years, my focus word has not been something easy to live...

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Adapt or Transform?

Adapt or Transform?

Adapt or Transform?   I've heard it said that when you move from a cold climate to a warm one, your blood “thins.” After the recent cold snap, I can attest to the fact that fifty degrees in New York feels warm, but after more than twenty years in south Florida,...

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Advent: Prince of Peace

Advent: Prince of Peace

Advent: Prince of Peace   Four weeks of Advent – four names of the Christ-child from the prophet Isaiah. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,...

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Advent: The Everlasting Father

Advent: The Everlasting Father

Advent: The Everlasting Father   Father. A title that may evoke joy or sadness, blame or gratitude, depending on your personal experience. One thing it does not evoke is indifference. Four weeks of Advent—four names of the Christ-child from the prophet Isaiah....

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Advent: Mighty God

Advent: Mighty God

Advent: Mighty God   Soft, adorable bundles of joy. Who doesn’t love sweet little babies? Vulnerable, helpless, and defenseless. They bring out the best in us, don’t they? Our instinct is to cuddle and protect them. To keep them safe and give them everything they...

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Advent: Wonderful Counselor

Advent: Wonderful Counselor

Advent: Wonderful Counselor   Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. Since most of my friends know this, they either feed my passion or tease me about it. Either way, I relish the four weeks of Advent as a time of joyful expectation as I count down the...

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World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day   World Kindness Day is November 13 this year. And that makes me a bit sad. Not because kindness makes me sad, but because we’ve reached the point where a day dedicated to kindness is even needed. Kindness has become the exception rather than...

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Are You Rearranging the Darkness?

Are You Rearranging the Darkness?

Are You Rearranging the Darkness?   “Spring ahead, fall back.” Repeating this phrase is the only way I can remember which way to change the clocks each spring and fall. This year, Daylight Saving Time (DST) began on March 13 and will end on November 6, 2022. In a...

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Costume or Uniform?

Costume or Uniform?

Costume or Uniform?   October brings a season of costumes. Choices that are inappropriate for the remaining eleven months of the year are strangely acceptable this month. People wear costumes to make a statement, entertain, or celebrate Halloween. A costume is...

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