Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Is there such a thing as absolute truth?

If you answered yes, you share a traditional world view that is quickly falling out of favor in our culture.

If you said no, you’ve just contradicted yourself. Saying there’s no such thing as absolute truth is actually making an absolute truth statement!

Absolute truths are accepted in almost every meaningful discipline of life: mathematics, chemistry, biology. Two plus two equals four. Not three or five. It’s an accepted absolute.

So why, in a world where absolute truth exists in most disciplines of life, does it not apply to morality and spirituality? Who decided these two areas are an exception?

We’re living in a time when things are true until we don’t want them to be. Think about it.

  • By the world’s standards, a baby in the womb is a baby only if the mother wants the baby. Otherwise, it’s a “clump of cells.”
  • Our culture has decided binary gender—male and female—are now two of many options that are no longer exclusively male or female, despite physical biological evidence to the contrary. Gender is now “fluid” depending on the individual’s changing feelings.
  • Right and wrong are no longer absolutes, either. Now, what’s wrong for you may be right for me. And who are you to judge?
  • A recent Netflix documentary, Liberated, was created to “present the sexual landscape of our culture as it is rather than preach about it.” But critics were furious to learn it “showed the emptiness in hook-up culture and one-night-stands.” Apparently, it’s no longer acceptable to speak the truth.
  • Our culture decries control of the nation’s borders to stem illegal immigration in the name of children’s best interests, yet celebrates the legality of killing babies minutes before their birth.

It’s difficult to justify such contradictions in the name of logic and rationality.

We can call evil good and good evil, and claim truth is relative, but that doesn’t make it so.

We live in a world that demands hard evidence, yet refuses to believe in a Creator because they won’t recognize the evidence that’s there. This delicately balanced universe could not have accidentally evolved any more than a Rolex watch just happened to evolve into a sophisticated time piece.

People who deny the evidence of their own bodies in favor of gender-bending claims are basing those claims on feelings and faulty thinking, rather than biological evidence.

We follow scientists who teach the universe began with a “big bang,” but they can’t produce evidence or explain the source of the gasses that supposedly exploded.

So what’s a Christian to do? How can we respond in a way that engages the culture? How can we present evidence based on a biblical world view instead of simply arguing with those who disagree with us?

Follow the ABCs!

Ask questions:

  • Before sharing what you believe, ask what the other person believes and why.
  • Have they researched the topic for themselves?
  • What are their personal experiences related to the subject?

Be respectful:

  • Don’t demonize those who disagree with you.
  • Really listen to what they say…and what they don’t say.
  • Try to understand why they believe what they do. Are their beliefs influenced by past emotional wounds?
  • Be willing to “plant seeds” rather than “go in for the kill.”

Communicate compassion:

  • Care about the person more than you care about winning an argument. Be willing to build a relationship with them.
  • Leave the door open for further discussion. Most serious disagreements are not resolved in one conversation.

As Christians, we find ourselves living right-side-up in an upside-down world. But nobody promised it would be easy. Ask the Holy Spirit for the perseverance to stay true to the Person of Truth, Jesus Christ. Then speak the truth in love and live it out, regardless of others’ responses.

I suspect some of those who disagree with us may be secretly cheering us on. Because if we can live for the One who said, “I am the Truth,” it gives others hope. Hope that their shallow world, built on shifting contradictions, is not all there is to life.

And that can be the best truth of all.

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  1. Linda Samaritoni

    I love your opening. It has to cause people to stop and think. And we all need to remember your ABCs. Crucial to communication and loving others more than yourself.

  2. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Linda.

  3. Candice Brown

    This is a relaxant message, even for the church. I think too many are watering down the Gospel in order to increase outreach when what they’re really doing is presenting a false Gospel. Also loved the ABCs; when I was an atheist, I was turned off by Christians who didn’t ask questions or seem to see me as a person, not just a potential convert.

  4. Jessica Brodie

    Ava, great post. I especially love what you said about asking questions, particularly, “Before sharing what you believe, ask what the other person believes and why.” So good!

  5. Lisa Murray

    So true, Ava! I love the words, “As Christians, we find ourselves living right-side-up in an upside-down world.” It can feel that way at times, but we can share the truth respectfully, compassionately with others. Good word!

  6. Beth Bingaman

    This is good teaching! So often I think we miss opportunities to get people to think because we expect them to believe every word that comes from our mouths rather than allowing time for the Lord to change the thinking and the heart so they trust His Words. .

  7. Julie

    So good! Our church series right now is on the Truth!

  8. Nancy E. Head

    Such an important message for our day! Truth is foundational to faith–to life!

    Love this: “We live in a world that demands hard evidence, yet refuses to believe in a Creator because they won’t recognize the evidence that’s there.”

  9. Tony Nzaka

    I love this post. Followed it here from Charisma Mag. The first thing I love about it is how you bring out the logic of how lies are being propagated as evidence. More importantly, I love the ABCs. This comes at a time when I recently engaged with an LGBT advocate who believes in science though not accepting the shortcomings of science e.g. weaknesses science itself admits about its theories. More love is needed and as you said, we should really focus on planting seeds. As we pray, God will handle the conviction part. We cannot win souls using logic. We need the power of God which will work through loving those we engage and praying for them (2 Cor 4:3-4). Thanks Ava and may God bless and increase you mightily.

  10. Ava Pennington

    Thank you for your encouragement, Tony.

  11. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Candice, Jessica, Lisa, Beth, Julie, and Nancy.
    Grateful for the encouragement of the Kingdom Sharers!

  12. Yvonne Morgan

    Truth is so needed in the world today. Such a timely post. Thanks

  13. Melissa Henderson

    This is a great message filled with wisdom. Thank you.

  14. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Melissa & Yvonne!

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