Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

maskWho are you?

Whoever you are, does your vocabulary reflect your identity?

Or are you masquerading as someone you’re not?


Lately, I’ve been hearing Christians say things such as:

  • Sending good thoughts your way.
  • What’s your sign?
  • Sending you good vibes.
  • You’re so lucky!
  • Bad karma will get him.

But what are we communicating? Does our communication reflect our Christian identity? Do these phrases convey our relationship with the sovereign God? Are we proclaiming our trust in Him or in cosmic coincidences? Do we expect good thoughts and good vibes to substitute for the Holy Spirit in accomplishing His work?

You might think I’m making a big deal about something that’s insignificant. The words may not be significant, but what they illustrate is definitely important.

If we’re not careful, the world’s philosophies and values can influence us in ways we don’t realize. The process starts slowly, with a change in the way we think about our life and circumstances. Then it moves into our words, and finally our deeds.

We let down our guard in the little things, thinking they’re not important anyway. It’s just harmless fun, isn’t it? Besides, don’t we have to relate to unbelievers in order to share the gospel with them?

As someone taught me many years ago, bad influences and habits begin with a toe-hold in our life. Then they grasp a foot-hold. And finally, the thing that started out as a little harmless fun—something we thought we could control—is now a stronghold that controls us.

I’ve often wondered why some Christians feel as though they have to fit into the world before they can share Christ with the world. The solution is not to offer a weak copy of the world. Neither is it to beat up unbelievers with a fire-and-brimstone message of hell and damnation.

The answer is to be true to who we are in Christ, while forming sincere relationships. People need to hear about the Savior. If our words are merely an imitation of what they already know, how will they learn what they don’t know?

Let’s communicate the truth in love, giving others what they need instead of what they already have.

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  1. Sharon Russell

    Spot on! Thank you so much for the wake-up call.

  2. Jane Roach


  3. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Jane!

  4. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Sharon.

  5. Geoff watson

    There is so much we could add to this: Renew our mind. Be in the world but not of the world. Make disciples- but you have to be a disciple before you can make a disciple.

    If we’re not careful, the world’s philosophies and values can influence us in ways we don’t realize. The process starts slowly, with a change in the way we think about our life and circumstances. Then it moves into our words, and finally our deeds.

    You state truth so that it slips in under our guard. Your writing is so sensitive, non-judgemental, so laced with wisdom- you are such an extraordinary writer, with a compassion that simply flows from your pen.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You give water to a thirsty traveller.

  6. Ava Pennington

    Thank you, Geoff. God bless you as you travel this life with the Lord as your Guide!

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