Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Skimming through the newspaper recently, I came across a gossip column about Judy Garland. A play about her life opened in London and may soon be coming to Broadway. This Hollywood icon originally became famous because of her starring role in The Wizard of Oz. But she spent the rest of her life searching for that elusive rainbow.

Her legendary talent was overshadowed by five unhappy marriages, multiple addictions, and a death due to either accidental overdose or suicide. Two years before her death, her question to a reporter provided a glimpse of the pain she tried so hard to alleviate with relationships and drugs:

“If I’m a legend, then why am I so lonely?”

lonelyEveryone experiences moments of loneliness. I can be lonely surrounded by a crowd of people as easily as in a room by myself. Single people long for marriage so they won’t be lonely anymore. But all too many married folks know the pain of loneliness even as they sleep in the same bed with their spouse.

Truth is, loneliness isn’t always the result of the absence of another person. The worst—and most permanent—kind of loneliness has nothing to do with other people and everything to do with denying our eternal purpose.

We were made for eternal fellowship with our Creator. When we broke this relationship due to sin, we didn’t only lose fellowship. We lost our purpose and our comfort. In their stead we gained the pain of fear, loneliness, and eternal death.

Judy Garland learned the hard way that talent, fame, and fortune don’t bring lasting satisfaction. Surrounded by adoring friends and fans, she was still alone…so awfully alone. But she never turned to the One who could give her what she really wanted and needed.

Jesus, the One who loved her unconditionally.

Jesus, the One who would never leave or forsake her.

Jesus, the One who would have been able to banish her loneliness once and for all.

Are you experiencing what Judy Garland felt? Don’t make her mistake. Surrender to Jesus, the One who will give you all you need to fulfill all He created you to be.

The One who promised you will never be alone again.

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  1. VickiSibert

    Often times we don’t know Jesus is all we need until he is all we have!

  2. AvaPennington

    So true!

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