Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Each year on April 13, I stop to ask the same question. I look back on the past twelve months, look forward to the coming year, and ask myself:

“Does my life reflect what I claim to be living for?”

It’s a question I do not answer casually.

Our time on earth is incredibly short compared to eternity. Yet how I spend these few years will indeed impact my eternity. So I ask the question because I want to make the most of this time until it ends…whenever that day comes.

You see, by most people’s standards, living for eternity equates to missing out on the fun here and now. But I am enjoying life. And it’s my desire that the things I enjoy doing most will always be those things that have eternal value.


Am I a religious fanatic? I hope not.

Religion is not worth living for, nor is it worth dying for. But my love for Jesus—the Savior who died for me—is worth living for, and if necessary, dying for. If He is, indeed, who He said He is, how can I do any less?

If Jesus is God in the flesh, how can anyone treat Him as just another religious figure? Just another prophet. Just another teacher. Just another way to heaven?

And if He is not who He says He is…if He did not die for the sins of the world and rise victorious on the third day…then as the apostle Paul wrote:

“If only for this life we have hope in Christ,
we are of all people most to be pitied”
(I Corinthians 15:19 NIV).

My gift to you today is this brief video of Francis Chan addressing the question, “What are you living for?” Perhaps it’s a question you will want to ask yourself…

What are you living for?


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