Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” John the Baptist exclaimed.

Why would John say such a thing?

The answer is found way back in the book of Exodus. After God delivered Israel from Egyptian slavery, He established Passover as a time for them to celebrate their deliverance. Each year they would remember how the blood of a lamb caused the destroyer to pass over their homes, sparing their families (Exodus 12:23).

Centuries later, the timing of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was not a coincidence. When He rode into the city on the day we now celebrate as Palm Sunday, the people were choosing the lambs that would be sacrificed for Passover. But unlike the Passover lambs that needed to be sacrificed year after year for each family, Jesus’ sacrifice was once for all (Hebrews 7:27).

As we enter the Easter season beginning with the celebration of Palm Sunday this weekend, I offer you this video from Ray Boltz. May we all “watch the Lamb” and walk in His victory!


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  1. Marian Endo

    PLease watch the YouTube video WATCH THE LAMB – RAY BOLTZ – OFFICIAL VIDEO. JESUS CHRIST is the
    LAMB OF GOD who suffered and died for our sins.

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