Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

When we think of Easter, our first thought is usually of the Resurrection. A Sunday morning that changed history. Sin conquered. Death conquered. The devil conquered. We have an empty tomb as proof of the once-for-all victory.

Or maybe we think of Good Friday. The day of the Crucifixion. The day Jesus Christ went to the Cross to receive the full brunt of God’s wrath for sin—yours and mine. The afternoon the sky became dark and the Savior said the words that ring with victory 2,000 years later: “It is finished!”

But our thoughts don’t quickly move to the Thursday that started the chain of events leading to Sunday. The day betrayal unleashed evil, although evil did not know this would be its undoing.

Betrayal. The word leaves us feeling raw. It stings. The experience leaves us feeling defeated. Sucker-punched. Blindsided.

For most of us, betrayal comes as a shock. We torture ourselves with questions.

How could he/she do this to me?

How could I have missed the signs?

Why didn’t I pay more attention?

If I had only known, I would have….

But we did not know. We did miss the signs. And we were left picking up the pieces, struggling to put our life back together.

No one would see signs of betrayal coming and do nothing, would they? No one who knew beyond any doubt that betrayal lay just around the corner would proceed on their merry way, without trying to stop it, would they? No one!

Yes, One.

One Person did just that. One person shared life with His betrayer for three years. He lived with him and ate with him. He conducted ministry with him and trusted His finances to him. All the while knowing how it would end.


Jesus willingly allowed His betrayer to act, because He looked beyond the events of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Jesus looked to Sunday, His day of ultimate and permanent victory. And His victory meant our victory.

He knew betrayal was coming and didn’t stop it…and He did it for you and me.

Have you ever been betrayed? You’re not alone.
Tell Jesus about it. He understands.

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