Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

What will people say about you after you die?

Will they comment about how you loved your family or how successful you were?

Will they note that you were a great writer or a best-selling author?

Will they say you were selfless and kind?

A dear friend died recently. Margie Houmes was a special woman. Yes, we say that about many people, but Margie…Margie was the real deal. These tributes, left by those who knew her, speak for themselves:

  • “greatest encourager I have ever known”
  • “powerful prayer warrior”
  • “her love for God was evident in everything she did”
  • “most godly woman I have ever met”
  • “a woman after God’s own heart”
  • “loved her Lord like no other”
  • “a woman with the biggest heart for God”
  • “the hands of Jesus to many”
  • “oh, how she loved Jesus”

Of all the things said about her, that last one convicted me the most.

Margie loved the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. And she loved His people, too. If she had the slightest suspicion that you needed prayer (and even if you didn’t!), she would storm the throne room of heaven on your behalf. Her exuberance for the Lord and in her relationships was second to none.Margie HoumesWho do you want to be like? I want to be like Margie.

Someday, when I’m gone, I hope people will forget everything else I did, and remember these two things:

She loved Jesus with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength…
and she loved His people.

I want to be like Margie…because Margie was like her Savior.

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  1. Jo Paradise

    This was (and still is) my sister.

    Thanks Ava

  2. admin

    Jo – I am so sorry for your loss…and so thankful you shared her with all of us!

  3. Tina Hunt

    Amen. Margie would say, “I’ll pray for you.” She would just do it. I roomed with her and she is the definition of “pray without ceasing.” She prayed more than she breathed. God put her in my life for less than a week, but I am all the better and blessed for it.

  4. admin

    So true, Tina! We are all indeed blessed because of her!

  5. Diana

    Ava, well said. She is so greatly missed.

  6. admin

    Yes, Diana, she is indeed greatly missed.

  7. Karen Estep

    And Margie would answer you; “oh Ava, you are so much more!”
    She would say that to those of us who actually said that to her.

  8. admin

    Yes, Karen, she would! 🙂

  9. Sarah Edens

    She is my mother. Thank you. I love her. She left a great legacy.

  10. admin

    So very sorry for your loss, Sarah. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.

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