Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I hate the phrase “blind faith.” All too often, those who don’t share my faith in Christ are quick to dismiss it as blind.

Blind, as in, I believe without any supporting evidence.

Blind, as in, I’m ignorant to believe what they refer to as fairy tales.

However, what really makes me crazy is when I hear Christians brag about having blind faith.

As if blind faith is the only true faith.

As if blind faith somehow makes them more spiritual.

But is blind faith biblical?Faith is a critical component of our salvation, yet it is defined in only one place in the entire Bible. The definition in Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) tells us:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

From this phrase, it’s easy to conclude our faith must be blind.

But it’s not. We can confidently rely on who God is by what He revealed about Himself in His Word. His names and attributes describe His nature. He is unchanging, which means the God of the Bible is the same  God today.

The descriptions of God’s nature are accompanied by the biblical record of how He works. The Bible is a comprehensive account of how God relates to those who seek Him, those who belong to Him, and those who reject Him.

In addition to the Bible, we have natural evidence of the existence of God. The complexity of our natural world commands belief in a Creator. Remember the illustration of finding a watch on a deserted beach? It’s unreasonable to conclude the inner workings of the watch randomly came together just because we don’t see the watchmaker. As we look around our world, how can we not arrive at the same conclusion about creation?

We also have historical evidence from extra-biblical resources confirming the biblical record of people and events. Historians such as Josephus and Eusebius provide additional information to help us understand ancient cultures.

Finally, we have the reality of personal experience. Added to what we read and observe externally, genuine experience personalizes the truth internally.

So, in light of all this evidence, is faith even necessary? Of course it is. The Bible describes salvation as being initiated by God, but accessed by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Oswald Chambers puts it this way in My Utmost for His Highest:

“Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding or reason—a life of knowing Him who calls us to go.”

The object of our faith is God. Even the ability to have faith is His gift to us. Boldly acting in faith is our response. Then we need to trust God for the results. A life of faith begins and ends with God.

Our faith has strong foundations. It enables us to live confidently while resting in the One who gives us this gift. And it requires trusting Him – the God who has proven Himself trustworthy – for the results.

There’s nothing blind about biblical faith…and that’s a good thing.

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  1. Mary Sayler

    Yes! Thanks, Ava. God has been opening my eyes about “blind” faith this week too. 🙂 And it came to me that the best definition for faith is believing God means what God says. To believe that, of course, we need to know what’s said in the Bible, and although I’ve been reading it my whole reading life, I realized I haven’t always acted upon faith in God’s word. To encourage other readers to read and receive God’s word and recognize faith, I’ll highlight your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog – God bless.

  2. admin

    Thank you, Mary!

  3. Janice D Green

    I like this. I feel we are expected to internalize our faith with experiences that make it real to us. There is so much about our faith that is clearly logical for those who are open-minded enough to look.


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