Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I’m a low-tech gal. I still use a paper pocket calendar to manage my schedule. I stand on line at the bank to make deposits. And I have a small whiteboard next to my desk to write reminders to myself.

That doesn’t mean I don’t use technology. I’m just not part of the first wave to implement technological change. I like low-tech. I used to apologize for it, until I read that the headquarters of Evernote constructed the walls of their offices to mimic giant whiteboards. Yup. The company that produces the cutting-edge app encourages employees to brainstorm solutions to problems by finding a few coworkers and the nearest wall and start doodling.Businessman Conducting a PresentationSome things never go out of style. I like that. Not just because I still feel more comfortable with paper in a digital world, but because newer isn’t always better. And no where do we see that as clearly illustrated as we do in the area of morality.

These days, our culture uses the term old-fashioned as a pejorative. The term is frequently accompanied by an eye-roll or a sneer. Traditional, moral values often share the same response. Whatever our parents or grandparents practiced could not possibly be relevant or helpful in the 21st century.

So you can imagine the opinion these 21st-century movers and shakers have about the Bible.

A book written thousands of years ago? Irrelevant.

Men and women who put God first in their lives? Impractical.

A belief that man is accountable to a holy Creator? Ignorant.

Jesus resurrected from the dead? Impossible.

But how can they be so sure? Saying something is no longer true doesn’t make it so. Dismissing the wisdom of past generations simply because it’s been around for a while is egotistical. Most of all, denying the existence of God is not just arrogant, it’s deadly.

Newer isn’t always better. And the question we should ask ourselves is, What is the price of being wrong?

It’s a price that will be paid for eternity.



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